We continue with the threat modeling of Keycloak on Kubernetes
Creating an ingress for the Keycloak service:
An ingress controller gives a service an externally reachable http/https-based URL while terminating SSL/TLS traffic. We don’t need to specify rules as an ingress without any rules sends the traffic to a default backend. The default backend is a configuration option of the ingress controller. This is called a Single Service Ingress. When we use a private key and a certificate specified in a K8s secret, we can secure the transport between the client and the ingress. Default Nginx ingress is sufficient in this regard.
Recommendation: A single service ingress specification for any service within Kubernetes is a simple Yaml configuration to be applied and serves to harden the security for the transport.
User account and authentication:
When user accounts and service accounts are independent and do not flow the security context between them, the overall user experience is not seamless. UAA was a technique used by CloudFoundry to facilitate the same identity to be used across internal and external operations.
Keycloak already supports OAuth access token retrieval for a user. Passing the token in payloads to internal services enables the security context to flow. Recommendation There is no need for a separate investment in this direction.
Recommendation: Unless the user context is specifically needed in the batch jobs and stream scopes, we can keep it all as internal in the beta release.
Initial release of the product can simplify the threat model by internalizing all the components including the User Interface and allowing the trust boundary to be penetrated only with username/password while maintain all security components, artifacts and configurations as internal and detailed. In subsequent releases we can make each component robust as we strive to push the trust boundary to the application API.
uint GetElement(int [,] matrix, uint startrow, uint startcol, uint endrow, uint endcol, uint number)
while(startrow < endrow && startcol < endCol)
uint midrow = (startrow + endrow) / 2 ;
uint midcol = (startcol + endcol) / 2;
if (matrix[midrow, midcol] < number))
startrow = midrow;
startcol = midcol;
endrow = midrow;
endcol = midcol;
if (startrow == endrow && startcol == endcol)
return matrix[startrow, startcol] < number ? matrix[startrow, startcol] : 0;
if ((startcol == endcol && startrow == endrow - 1) || (startrow == endrow && startcol == endcol - 1) )
if (matrix[endrow, endcol] < number) return matrix[endrow, endcol];
if (matrix[startrow, startcol] < number) return matrix [ startrow, startcol];
return 0;
if (matrix[startrow, startcol] < number)
startrow = endrow;
startcol = endcol;
uint topright = startcol - 1 > 0 && startrow - 1 > 0 ? GetElement(matrix, 0, startcol, startrow - 1, endcol, number) : 0;
uint bottomleft = startrow + 1 <= endrow && startcol - 1 > 0 ? GetElement(matrix, startrow + 1, 0, endrow, startcol - 1,
number) : 0;
if (topright < bottomleft)
return bottomleft;
return topright;
Creating an ingress for the Keycloak service:
An ingress controller gives a service an externally reachable http/https-based URL while terminating SSL/TLS traffic. We don’t need to specify rules as an ingress without any rules sends the traffic to a default backend. The default backend is a configuration option of the ingress controller. This is called a Single Service Ingress. When we use a private key and a certificate specified in a K8s secret, we can secure the transport between the client and the ingress. Default Nginx ingress is sufficient in this regard.
Recommendation: A single service ingress specification for any service within Kubernetes is a simple Yaml configuration to be applied and serves to harden the security for the transport.
User account and authentication:
When user accounts and service accounts are independent and do not flow the security context between them, the overall user experience is not seamless. UAA was a technique used by CloudFoundry to facilitate the same identity to be used across internal and external operations.
Keycloak already supports OAuth access token retrieval for a user. Passing the token in payloads to internal services enables the security context to flow. Recommendation There is no need for a separate investment in this direction.
Recommendation: Unless the user context is specifically needed in the batch jobs and stream scopes, we can keep it all as internal in the beta release.
Initial release of the product can simplify the threat model by internalizing all the components including the User Interface and allowing the trust boundary to be penetrated only with username/password while maintain all security components, artifacts and configurations as internal and detailed. In subsequent releases we can make each component robust as we strive to push the trust boundary to the application API.
uint GetElement(int [,] matrix, uint startrow, uint startcol, uint endrow, uint endcol, uint number)
while(startrow < endrow && startcol < endCol)
uint midrow = (startrow + endrow) / 2 ;
uint midcol = (startcol + endcol) / 2;
if (matrix[midrow, midcol] < number))
startrow = midrow;
startcol = midcol;
endrow = midrow;
endcol = midcol;
if (startrow == endrow && startcol == endcol)
return matrix[startrow, startcol] < number ? matrix[startrow, startcol] : 0;
if ((startcol == endcol && startrow == endrow - 1) || (startrow == endrow && startcol == endcol - 1) )
if (matrix[endrow, endcol] < number) return matrix[endrow, endcol];
if (matrix[startrow, startcol] < number) return matrix [ startrow, startcol];
return 0;
if (matrix[startrow, startcol] < number)
startrow = endrow;
startcol = endcol;
uint topright = startcol - 1 > 0 && startrow - 1 > 0 ? GetElement(matrix, 0, startcol, startrow - 1, endcol, number) : 0;
uint bottomleft = startrow + 1 <= endrow && startcol - 1 > 0 ? GetElement(matrix, startrow + 1, 0, endrow, startcol - 1,
number) : 0;
if (topright < bottomleft)
return bottomleft;
return topright;