Migrating remote desktops
Most migrations discuss workloads and software applications.
When it comes to users, identity federation is taken as the panacea to bring
all users to the cloud. But migrating remote desktops for those users is just
as important for those users when they need it. Fortunately, this comes with a
well-known pattern for migration.
Autoscaling of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) is done
by using NICE EnginFrame and NICE DCV Session Manager. NICE DCV is a high
performance remote display protocol that helps us stream remote desktops and
applications from any cloud or data center to any device, over varying network
conditions. When used with EC2 instances, NICE DCV enables us to run
graphics-intensive applications remotely on EC2 instances and stream their user
interfaces to commodity remote client machines. This eliminates the need for
expensive dedicated workstations and the need to transfer large amounts of data
between the cloud and client machines.
The desktop is accessible through a web-based user
interface. The VDI solution provides research and development users with an
accessible and performant user interface for submitting graphics-intensive
analysis requests and reviewing results remotely
The components of this VDI solution include: VPC, public
subnet, private subnet, an EngineFrame Portal, a Session Manager Broker, and a
VDI Cluster that can be either Linux or Windows. Both types of VDI Clusters can
also be attached side by side via an Application Load Balancer. The user
connects to the AWS Cloud via another Application Load Balancer that is hosted
in a public subnet while all the mentioned components are hosted in a private
subnet. Both the public and the private subnets are part of a VPC. The users
request flows through the Application Load Balancer to the NICE EngineFrame and
then to the DCV Session Manager.
There is an automation available that creates a custom VPC,
public and private subnets, an internet gateway, NAT Gateway, Application Load
Balancer, security groups, and IAM policies. CloudFormation is used to create
the fleet of Linux and Windows NICE DCV servers. This automation is available
from the elastic-vdi-infrastructure GitHub repository.
The steps to take to realize this pattern are listed below:
The mentioned code repository is cloned.
The AWS CDK libraries are installed.
The parameters to the automation script are
updated. These include the region, account, key pair, and optionally the
ec2_type_enginframe and ec2_type_broker and their sizes
The solution is then deployed using the CDK
When the deployment is complete, there are two
outputs: Elastic-vdi-infrastructure and
The fleet of servers is deployed with this
The EnginFrame Administrator password is
retrieved and the portal is accessed.
This is then used to start a session.
This completes the pattern for migrating the remote desktops
for users.