The Design Security for data:
One of the ways to secure data is to control access. These involve generating access keys, shared access signatures, and Azure AD access. Access keys provide administrative access to an entire resource such as storage accounts. Microsoft recommends these are only used for administrative purposes. Shared access signatures are like tokens that can be used to generate granular access to resources within a storage account. Access is provided to whoever or whatever has this signature. Role based access control can be used to control access to both the management and data layer. Shared access signatures can be generated to be used in association with an Azure AD identity, instead of being created with a storage account access key. Access to files from domain joined devices are secured using the Azure AD identities that can be used for authentication and authorization.
Another way to secure the data is to protect the data using storage encryption, Azure Disk Encryption, and Immutable storage. Storage encryption involves server-side encryption for data at rest and Transport Layer Security based encryption for data in transit. The default encryption involves an Account Encryption Key which is Microsoft managed but security can be extended using customer-managed keys which are usually stored in a Key Vault. The volume encryption encrypts the boot OS and data volumes to further protect the data.
Some controls are available from the databases and data storage products. For example, a database inside a SQL Server is secured with the help of a SQL login. This SQL login is created inside the master database and then it is mapped to a database user associated with the database to be protected and then the data can be accessed with this credential. Every database will require to create its own mapping for that same SQL login. If the authentication is to be based on Azure Active Directory, then the mechanism varies slightly between a cloud SQL managed instances and a managed SQL database. Both of them require Azure AD-based administrator for the product and then the user accounts to work with the databases. When working with SQL managed instances, we give the read access to the Azure AD tenant to the admin account, map the user accounts to SQL logins in the master database similar to the traditional SQL Server approach and then create database users that is mapped one-on-one to the SQL logins. When working on the managed SQL database, all we need is the database user mapped to the Azure identity and so the entries in the master database and the read access to the admin account are completely avoided.
Azure SQL Services also provide ways to protect the data. These include Transparent Data Encryption, Always Encrypted, and Dynamic Data Masking. The encryption for the database is like that for the storage discussed just before the discussion on Azure SQL products in that the database is stored on the Azure storage infrastructure which guarantees the encryption at rest and the TLS guarantees the encryption in transit. The encryption supports Bring Your Own Key aka TDE protectors which are managed by the customers and saved in a Key Vault which helps meet compliance requirements around access and audit. A managed identity enables the Azure SQL Database service to access the Key Vault. With Always Encrypted, the data is encrypted within columns within the tables when storing, say credit card information. An encryption key is used for one or more columns and the data is not in the clear even for administrators. When the data needs to be hidden even from a genuine user, data masking is used so that only partial information is displayed, say the last four digits of the credit card number.
These are some of the ways to secure data on the Azure Data Platform.