This is a summary of the book titled “The Intelligence Revolution: Transforming your business with AI” written by Bernard Marr and published by Kogan Page in 2020. This is the prequel to the summary on “Generative AI in practice” also by the same author and holds even more pertinence and relevance than it did at the time. No one disputes the “transformative potential” of Artificial Intelligence anymore and the author details the way companies are embracing this revolution to achieve their strategic goals. Spotting AI opportunities and realizing it while using AI and big data ethically and respecting consumer privacy are his main purports. He calls this the Fourth Industrial Revolution and argues for using the power to better serve internal and external stakeholders. Data driven insights can help optimize solutions across all areas of consumers’ lives. The AI solutions are most effective when combined with a robust strategy that reflects your unique needs. There are best practices that can help navigate AI transformation and he suggests to invest in a four-layer technology stack to effectively seize AI opportunities. The Intelligence Revolution requires leaders to step up in new adaptive ways.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is set to revolutionize everyday life by introducing AI and big data, transforming how people work and live. AI-driven technologies will make lab-grown food, autonomous driving, and smarter homes more accessible. Industries like farming and fishing are already leaning into technological developments, with the fishing industry potentially becoming unrecognizable in the coming years.
AI, or machines that can learn and take action independently and autonomously, is fueling advances in machine learning. There are two types of AI: narrow AI, which simulates human thought patterns, and generalized AI, which can learn and behave in ways similar to human thought and actions. Machines can already think like humans, reading text and understanding idioms and slang in over 20 languages.
The digitization of the world is driving advances in machine and deep learning, as machines learn with increasing accuracy as more data becomes available. In the age of big data, machines are even learning to identify human emotions through "affective computing." Companies must reflect on their strategic goals and how they might use AI tools to achieve desired outcomes.
AI can be leveraged to enhance business opportunities by creating smarter products, offering smart services, and optimizing business processes with smart tools. By incorporating AI capabilities into products, businesses can collect data on customers' habits and preferences, improving product design and delivering better solutions. AI is revolutionizing everyday home products, mobility and transportation, manufacturing and industry, and sports. Smart products can track users' sleep patterns, provide personalized recommendations, and enhance efficiency. Companies can also embed sensors in industrial machinery to improve efficiency and enhance employee capabilities. AI insights are changing the experience of exercise and sports, with smart boxing gloves and sensors on basketball nets providing insights for better shots. The health sector is also undergoing significant changes as people connect medical applications and devices to the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), helping healthcare providers collect patient data and monitor vital signs. By leveraging AI, businesses can better serve internal and external stakeholders and optimize solutions across all areas of consumers' lives.
AI solutions are most effective when combined with a robust strategy that reflects your unique needs. Identify potential AI opportunities by reflecting on all possible use cases within your company, focusing on specific objectives, KPIs, and data types. Consider the legal and ethical implications of your projects, such as collecting data with users' consent. Determine the infrastructure and technology needed and identify any skills gaps or implementation challenges.
Successful AI starts with strategy, not the technology itself. Talk about change management and prioritize one to three potential applications that represent the biggest growth potential or solve major business challenges. Ethically navigate your AI transformation by embracing best practices, such as building trust, avoiding "the black box problem," embracing skepticism, checking for bias, and following official guidelines for responsible AI. This will help you navigate the legal and ethical aspects of AI transformation and ensure a positive company culture surrounding AI.
To effectively seize AI opportunities, invest in a four-layer technology stack. This includes data collection from various sources, data storage, data processing and analytics, and data output and reporting. Leaders must develop skills such as agility, emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence, humility, accountability, vision, courage, intuition, authenticity, and focus on company's core objectives.
The Intelligence Revolution requires leaders to step up in new, adaptive ways, treating change as an opportunity and navigating uncertainty. Strategic vision is vital when navigating uncertainty, as the collective use of AI across organizations could have devastating effects. However, if implemented with care, AI could dramatically improve everyday life, transform work, and help tackle challenges like climate change. The choices made now could determine whether AI becomes a "force for good" or something more dystopian.
Notice the many parallels between Marr’s and Gilbertson’s recommendations to businesses.