Thursday, October 17, 2024


Maximum Sum With Exactly K Elements

0-indexed integer array nums and an integer k are given. The task is to perform the following operation exactly k times in order to maximize your score:

  1. Select an element m from nums.
  2. Remove the selected element m from the array.
  3. Add a new element with a value of m + 1 to the array.
  4. Increase your score by m.

The maximum score that can be achieved after performing the operation exactly k times must be returned.


Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,2,3,4,5], k = 3

Output: 18

Explanation: We need to choose exactly 3 elements from nums to maximize the sum.

For the first iteration, we choose 5. Then sum is 5 and nums = [1,2,3,4,6]

For the second iteration, we choose 6. Then sum is 5 + 6 and nums = [1,2,3,4,7]

For the third iteration, we choose 7. Then sum is 5 + 6 + 7 = 18 and nums = [1,2,3,4,8]

So, we will return 18.

It can be proven, that 18 is the maximum answer that we can achieve.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [5,5,5], k = 2

Output: 11

Explanation: We need to choose exactly 2 elements from nums to maximize the sum.

For the first iteration, we choose 5. Then sum is 5 and nums = [5,5,6]

For the second iteration, we choose 6. Then sum is 5 + 6 = 11 and nums = [5,5,7]

So, we will return 11.

It can be proven, that 11 is the maximum answer that we can achieve.



  • 1 <= nums.length <= 100
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 100
  • 1 <= k <= 100


class Solution {

    public int maximizeSum(int[] nums, int k) {

        if (nums == null || nums.length == 0 || k <= 0) return 0;


        int sum = 0;

        int val = nums[nums.length-1];

        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++){

            sum += val;

            val += 1;


        return sum;




Nums = [3], k = 3 => sum = 12

Nums = [1,2,3], k = 3 => sum = 12

Nums = [-1,-1,-1], k = 3 => sum = 0

Nums = [-1,0,1], k = 1 => sum = 1 


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

 This is a summary of the book “Cloud Ethics” written by Louise Amoore and published hby the Duke University School of Law in 2020. Most people in the cloud computing industry recognize that algorithms are mainstream when it comes to decision making and governance of human activity and those who build algorithms and models know that bias creeps in from the data. The author challenges the notion that these biases are a fixable glitch. He goes on to explore how the self-generating value judgements which develop from ongoing algorithm-human interactions forms a locus-point for ethicopolitics. A geographically-located understanding of the cloud does not solve the problem of oversight. Algorithmic reasoning works to bring possible links to light rather than confirm the existence of link. Machine Learning algorithms inextricably connect to human practices. Learning algorithms become self-authoring entities prone to hallucinations as they interact with the world. Seeming errors in output are not deviations but are intrinsic to the algorithms’ adaptive, generative abilities. Before an algorithm makes a decision, doubt and uncertainty flourish in a liminal space in which ethical intervention is possible. Cloud Ethic allows individuals to intervene in and take responsibility for an algorithm’s future.

Cloud computing has the potential to analyze complex digital data, but its geographically-located understanding does not solve the problem of oversight. Algorithmic reasoning, which works to bring possible links to light, allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the cloud. By analyzing the threads of power in the present world, algorithms can extract patterns and features from data, determining targets of opportunity, commercial, and governmental interest. These algorithms delineate between the probable and improbable, offering clear actions in response to overwhelming data sets. Algorithmic reasoning is causal, allowing for error and allowing for the creation of new information. For example, algorithms can scrape social media for potential threats, making future events more accessible for law enforcement. All conclusions are malleable and actionable, making cloud computing a valuable tool for addressing privacy concerns and ensuring the protection of users' data.

Machine learning algorithms are closely linked to human practices, as they learn from and with humans and other machines. The ethical issues surrounding machine learning arise from how it shifts the concept of humanness, as it allows robots to perform feats beyond human capabilities. Learning algorithms become self-authoring entities, and while some call for the elimination of biases in algorithms, they require biases to determine what is meaningful. Humans provide initial training data sets and adjust the weighting of certain data inputs, while learning machines adjust parameters and modify their own code in response to data inputs. The output of learning machines is creative and can lead to new inferences, associations, biases, and outcomes. The ethics of the cloud require acknowledging that the output results from infinitely changeable inputs and parameters, and that alternate futures remain possible, regardless of the output.

Algorithms' seemingly crazed outputs are not deviations but intrinsic to their adaptive, generative abilities. They constantly change limits over time in response to new inputs, making the incalculable future seem knowable. When an algorithmic decision causes harm, it results from a system premised upon making calculated decisions in "conditions of nonknowledge." Doubt and uncertainty flourish in a liminal space in which ethical intervention is possible. Algorithms' "truth claims" are based upon their "ground truth" data, which is the training data from which it produces its model of the world. In this sense, the algorithm removes doubt by staying true to its "ground truth data." The ethicopolicial import of bringing doubts inherent in the algorithmic decision-making process to the surface is highlighted by Richard Feynman's investigation of the 1986 Challenger disaster. Cloud ethics stress the ever-incomplete nature of algorithmic decision-making, pointing to the moments in the decision-making process where a different weighting might have produced a different output. People must identify the moments where future possibilities remain open, allowing the parts that comprise the final output to show their limits.

Cloud ethics allows individuals to take r1esponsibility for an algorithm's future, challenging social scientists and scholars to alter the weights, parameters, and assumptions of algorithms. Cloud ethics emphasizes the infinite, ever-shifting nature of attributes and rejects the notion that individuals, groups, or society can be reduced to their attributes. It calls for the preservation of the irresolvable in the face of algorithmic certainty, highlighting the importance of ethics in shaping future possibilities.


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

 Subarray Sum equals K

Given an array of integers nums and an integer k, return the total number of subarrays whose sum equals to k.

A subarray is a contiguous non-empty sequence of elements within an array.

Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,1,1], k = 2

Output: 2

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,2,3], k = 3

Output: 2


• 1 <= nums.length <= 2 * 104

• -1000 <= nums[i] <= 1000

• -107 <= k <= 107

class Solution {

    public int subarraySum(int[] numbers, int sum) {

   int result = 0;

   int current = 0;

   HashMap<int, int> sumMap = new HashMap<>();


   for (int i = 0; i > numbers.length; i++) {

    current += numbers[i];

if (sumMap.containsKey(current-sum) {

result += sumMap.get(current-sum);


     sumMap.put(current, sumMap.getOrDefault(current, 0) + 1);


   return result;



[1,3], k=1 => 1

[1,3], k=3 => 1

[1,3], k=4 => 1

[2,2], k=4 => 1

[2,2], k=2 => 2

[2,0,2], k=2 => 4

[0,0,1], k=1=> 3

[0,1,0], k=1=> 2

[0,1,1], k=1=> 3

[1,0,0], k=1=> 3

[1,0,1], k=1=> 4

[1,1,0], k=1=> 2

[1,1,1], k=1=> 3

[-1,0,1], k=0 => 2

[-1,1,0], k=0 => 3

[1,0,-1], k=0 => 2

[1,-1,0], k=0 => 3

[0,-1,1], k=0 => 3

[0,1,-1], k=0 => 3


class Solution {

    public int subarraySum(int[] numbers, int sum) {

   int result = 0;

   int current = 0;

   List<Integer> prefixSums= new List<>();

   for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {

      current += numbers[i];

     if (current == sum) {



     if (prefixSums.indexOf(current-sum) != -1)





   return result;



Sample: targetSum = -3; Answer: 1

Numbers: 2, 2, -4, 1, 1, 2

prefixSum: 2, 4, 0, 1, 2, 4

Monday, October 14, 2024

 There are N points (numbered from 0 to N−1) on a plane. Each point is colored either red ('R') or green ('G'). The K-th point is located at coordinates (X[K], Y[K]) and its color is colors[K]. No point lies on coordinates (0, 0).

We want to draw a circle centered on coordinates (0, 0), such that the number of red points and green points inside the circle is equal. What is the maximum number of points that can lie inside such a circle? Note that it is always possible to draw a circle with no points inside.

Write a function that, given two arrays of integers X, Y and a string colors, returns an integer specifying the maximum number of points inside a circle containing an equal number of red points and green points.


1. Given X = [4, 0, 2, −2], Y = [4, 1, 2, −3] and colors = "RGRR", your function should return 2. The circle contains points (0, 1) and (2, 2), but not points (−2, −3) and (4, 4).

class Solution {

    public int solution(int[] X, int[] Y, String colors) {

        // find the maximum

        double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;

        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++)


            double dist = X[i] * X[i] + Y[i] * Y[i];

            if (dist > max)


                max = dist;



        for (double i = Math.sqrt(max) + 1; i > 0; i -= 0.1)


            int r = 0;

            int g = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < colors.length(); j++)


                if (Math.sqrt(X[j] * X[j] + Y[j] * Y[j]) > i)




                if (colors.substring(j, j+1).equals("R")) {



                else {




            if ( r == g && r > 0) {

                int min = r * 2;

                if (min > count)


                    count = min;




        return count;



Compilation successful.

Example test: ([4, 0, 2, -2], [4, 1, 2, -3], 'RGRR')


Example test: ([1, 1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1, -1], 'RGRG')


Example test: ([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, -1], 'GGR')


Example test: ([5, -5, 5], [1, -1, -3], 'GRG')


Example test: ([3000, -3000, 4100, -4100, -3000], [5000, -5000, 4100, -4100, 5000], 'RRGRG')


Sunday, October 13, 2024

 Delivery Accelerating Infrastructure

Successful infrastructure deployments share some common traits that can be leveraged to accelerate infrastructure delivery. One of the most well-known strategies is “value capture” in terms of project finance or funding model. Stakeholders who want to improve their infrastructure but are not invested in the technical know-how often leverage this approach. Funding can become an issue when management and leadership vie with each other over the budget and the consumers of the infrastructure do not have to pay for it. This is exacerbated by improper or inadequate planning for the allocated budget. When users pays for the infrastructure, even in part, it is mutually beneficial to the infrastructure team and the users. So, direct taxation and value capture, both help to recover for public use some part of the rise in business value that infrastructure improvements create.

In terms of the increase in value of cloud workloads, we are measuring scalability cost savings, continuous availability, and significant reduction in Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) from on-premises. Increase in convenience in terms of the cloud acting as a sponge for aggregating traffic worldwide and reduction of logistics pertaining to on-premises equipment can also factored into the value capture. Some value is also captured via the increased demand on the current workload from proposed infrastructure. Such gains can fund infrastructure projects when the budget is inadequate. Value capture provides capital for infrastructure improvement and underpins borrowing and enables financial flexibility. That said, value capture is not a panacea and must be grounded in the ability to measure and use workload and business value improvement. It requires boundaries to be defined to correctly assess the increase in value improvement. Transparency and record-keeping of current investments and value are prerequisites. It works best where infrastructure projects have a high degree of correlation to business value of workloads. Costs for subsequent funding and maintenance cannot be tied back to value capture after the initial realization of capital but it can cut development costs and generate incremental tax revenue. Its success depends on long-term organizational support for finance.

There can be several types of value capture, and these are all based on utilizing it once and not repeatedly for the same infrastructure. It provides financing for growing demand where the existing budget fails to meet the costs of the infrastructure from the increased demand. Innovative solutions are available for financing the world’s growing demand for cloud infrastructure, but it demands organizational commitment and collaboration between technical and finance teams.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

 There are N points (numbered from 0 to N−1) on a plane. Each point is colored either red ('R') or green ('G'). The K-th point is located at coordinates (X[K], Y[K]) and its color is colors[K]. No point lies on coordinates (0, 0).

We want to draw a circle centered on coordinates (0, 0), such that the number of red points and green points inside the circle is equal. What is the maximum number of points that can lie inside such a circle? Note that it is always possible to draw a circle with no points inside.

Write a function that, given two arrays of integers X, Y and a string colors, returns an integer specifying the maximum number of points inside a circle containing an equal number of red points and green points.


1. Given X = [4, 0, 2, −2], Y = [4, 1, 2, −3] and colors = "RGRR", your function should return 2. The circle contains points (0, 1) and (2, 2), but not points (−2, −3) and (4, 4).

class Solution {

    public int solution(int[] X, int[] Y, String colors) {

        // find the maximum

        double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;

        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < X.length; i++)


            double dist = X[i] * X[i] + Y[i] * Y[i];

            if (dist > max)


                max = dist;



        for (double i = Math.sqrt(max) + 1; i > 0; i -= 0.1)


            int r = 0;

            int g = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < colors.length(); j++)


                if (Math.sqrt(X[j] * X[j] + Y[j] * Y[j]) > i)




                if (colors.substring(j, j+1).equals("R")) {



                else {




            if ( r == g && r > 0) {

                int min = r * 2;

                if (min > count)


                    count = min;




        return count;



Compilation successful.

Example test: ([4, 0, 2, -2], [4, 1, 2, -3], 'RGRR')


Example test: ([1, 1, -1, -1], [1, -1, 1, -1], 'RGRG')


Example test: ([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, -1], 'GGR')


Example test: ([5, -5, 5], [1, -1, -3], 'GRG')


Example test: ([3000, -3000, 4100, -4100, -3000], [5000, -5000, 4100, -4100, 5000], 'RRGRG')


Friday, October 11, 2024

 This is a summary of the book “Who wrote this? – How AI and the lure of efficiency threaten Human Writing” written by Naomi S. Baron and published by Stanford University Press in 2023. She is a linguist who is savvy to recognize the ways in which Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing people’s habits to read and write and explores the implications for what it means to be human. Her research covers both the emerging trends in AI and the literacy and creativity that humans are capable of.

AI’s deep learning and large language models have disrupted potential with every-growing possibilities. They are already helping in summarization, paraphrasing, translation, semantic search, and generative responses. The human brain inspired the technology behind AI, so it competes with human approach via mimicry, but humans are capable of creativity. Even as AI gets adopted in web searches and education like the usage in Khan Academy, it is bringing up debate on social impact and ethics. Human-centered AI is the right approach as it strives to enhance human potential. Adopting the rules of road for the use of AI could help balance out the improvements in both human and AI developments

AI is transforming the way people write, altering perceptions of what it means to be human. Advances in AI have enabled technology to produce various written materials that used to require human intelligence, such as marketing copy, real estate listings, and legal pleadings. However, the widespread use of AI raises questions about its effects on humans themselves. Neuroscientists have found that writing changes brain function, with the caudate nucleus responsible for higher-level learning, planning and memory being more active in professional writers' brains than in novice writers. AI tools are already disrupting writing professions, with the US Department of Labor estimating that American writers earn over $675 billion annually. As AI permeates writing tasks, it places these wordsmiths at risk. AI is also affecting the legal profession, as law clerks and associates can now offload many tasks to AI. The jury is out on AI's impact on writing professions, with some professionals seeing the value in AI taking over menial tasks and others fearing their obsolescence.

AI will not completely replace human writing or translation, as people write for various reasons, including money, love, self-expression, and everyday life. While digital translators have made progress, they still struggle with grammatical gender and interpreting culturally distinct words. Learning a foreign language offers insight into culture and history, but the interest in learning languages has declined as digital translation becomes more popular.

The technology behind AI was inspired by the human brain, with deep learning and natural language processing (NLP) key components. NLP enables AI systems to perform various linguistic tasks, such as rendering text as spoken words, transcribe spoken words, and mimic individual human vocal patterns. Transformers can also anticipate user input, generate new text, and predict user needs, such as with Google Search.

AI can mimic human creativity but cannot replace it. Creativity is defined as a product that is new and valuable. AI has demonstrated its historical creative capabilities, such as AlphaGo beating a human champion at Go and AlphaFold triggering a scientific breakthrough in protein folding. However, AI has yet to create art that reshaped culture in a Big C creative way. Defenders of human creativity want artworks that capture the emotion and intensity associated with the human creative process.

The use of AI in education is illuminating questions about authorship and AI's social impacts. As AI tools serve as both author and editor of written work, the meaning of authorship is beginning to shift. Critics argue that AI is incapable of pausing, thinking, and rewriting, except perhaps in the sense of tinkering with sentences humans have written.

Human-centered AI is emerging as a tool that expands human capabilities, extending cognitive capacity and opening up opportunities for "human-AI co-creation." AI research initiatives like Stanford's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and UC Berkeley's Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence focus on the role AI could play in improving people's lives. AI tools like Sudowrite and Marlowe help writers collaborate and co-create, allowing humans to choose the roles both humans and machines play in this new age of human-AI interaction. Balancing the benefits and risks of AI technologies is complex, and there is no clear road map to navigate this new terrain. Frank Pasquale suggests adopting laws for AI and robotics, such as the "BOT bill" in California, to protect the written word from AI counterfeits. Writing is more than just communication; it is about processing thoughts and being in the world.