Thursday, March 14, 2013

Red black trees revisited

Among the data structures in a text book for computer science, red and black trees possibly capture the imagination most with its colorful transformations during rotations and recolorings of sub trees.
So let's revisit this data structure and the insert and delete operations for these.
For a red-black tree:
1)  Every node is either red or black.
2) The root node is black.
3) The sentinel nodes are black.
4) if a nodes is red, then both its children are black.
5) For each node, all paths from that node down to the leaves have the same number of black nodes.

Left Rotate operation: The right sibling becomes the parent. The left subtree of this sibling becomes the right subtree of the node displaced.

Right Rotate operation: The left sibling becomes the parent.The right subtree of this sibling becomes the left subtree of the node displaced.

Insert operation : goes very much like a tree insert followed by a RB tree fixup. To insert a node z in a tree T, we walk down the tree with x as the root and y as the parent. Then we handle the case of appending the z as the left or the right child of y. We color the new node z as red. Then we fix up the tree.Fix up requires iterations as long as z's parent is red. If z's uncle is red, we recolor the nodes and move the pointer up the tree. If z and its parents are both are red but z's uncle is black, then if z is the right child of z.p then we perform a left rotation else if z is the left child of z.p, then we perform a right rotation.

Delete operation: also goes very much like a tree delete followed by a RB tree fixup.  If z is the node to be deleted from a tree T, we maintain a node y as the node either to be removed or to be moved within the tree. We also maintain y's original color since y's color could change.  We also maintain x as the sole sibling of z so that we can transplant it.  If z has both siblings, we choose y as the tree minimum on z's right subtree and x as the sibling of y so that we may perform the same transplant operation on x as earlier and then we transplant z. We set the y's color to z's color. If the original color of y was black, we perform RB-tree fixup for delete.  We begin the fixup with x.  We iterate while x is not the root and x's color is black. In each iteration, we take x and w as siblings and perform rotations and recolorings for fix up . If x is the left child and w's color is red, we color it black and do a left rotation of x's parent. If w's left color is black and w's right color is black, we trivially color w to red and set x to its parent. Else if only the right's color is black we set w's left color to black and right rotate w and keep w to the right of x's parent. If x's sibling w is black and w's right child is red, we set w's color to x's parent and color both x's parent and w's right to black, then we left rotate on x's parent. Since we started out with x being the left child, the same cases apply to the x being the right child but with left and right exchanged.

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