Friday, April 12, 2013

interview question answers continued

Q: Give the four basics of object oriented Programming.
A: These are some of the tenets of object oriented programming
1. Encapsulation - define a concept by keeping the data and its operations together
2. Inheritance - defines an "is-a" relationship between derived and base class.
3. Composition - defines a "has-a" relationship between a container and contained class.
4. Polymorphism - defines the same method for different contexts

Q: Given two integers m, n, find the first integer r that is divisible by both m and n.
A: Find the factors of m and n. From the factors choose two or more factors such that the product is bigger than both m and n and less than or equal to m * n.

Q: List and compare the various sorting algorithms
A: 1. Bubble sort : make multiple pass and fix the order of elements. It has an average O(n^2) complexity/
2. Selection sort : finds the minimum and swaps with the first and repeat for consecutives. Another O(n^2) algorithm
3. Insertion sort : played like the cards in a deck, take elements one by one and insert them in position in the sorted list. Average O(n^2)
4. Heap sort : Use the array as a heap and use the heap algorithm to sort. O(nlogn) complexity
5. Merge sort : bottom up merge between pairs O(nlogn) complexity
6. Quick sort : divide and conquer based on partitioning on a pivot value. O(nlogn) complexity

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