Thursday, May 23, 2013

Writing powershell commands
Powershell lets you invoke CmdLets on the command line. Custom CmdLets are an instance of a .Net class. A CmdLet processes its input from an object pipeline instead of text. A CmdLet processes one object at a time. CmdLets are attributed with a CmdLetAttribute and named with a  verb-noun pair. The class derives from PSCmdLet which gives you access to PS runtime. The custom cmdLet class could also derive from CmdLet in which case it's more light weight. CmdLets don't handle argument parsing and error handling. These are done consistently across all Powershell CmdLets.
CmdLets support ShouuldProcess Parameter which lets the class have access to runtime behavior parameters - Confirm and WhatIf. Confirm specifies whether user confirmation is required. WhatIf informs the user what changes would have been made when the CmdLet is invoked.
Common methods to override include BeginProcessing which provides pre-processing functionality for the cmdlet, ProcessRecord which can be called any number of times, EndProcessing for post-processing functionality and StopProcessing when the user stops the cmdLet asynchronously.
CmdLet parameters allow the user to provide input into the CmdLet. This is done by adding properties to the class that implements the CmdLet and adding ParameterAttribute to them.
ProcessRecord generally does the work of creating new entries for data.
Parameters must be explicitly marked as public.  Parameters can be positional or named. If the parameter is positional, only the value is provided with the CmdLet invocation.  In addition, parameters can be marked as mandatory which means that they have a value assigned.
Some parameters are reserved  and are often referred to as Common parameters.  Another group of parameters are called the ShouldProcess parameters which give access to the Confirm and WhatIf runtime support. Parameters Sets are also supported by Powershell which refers to a grouping of the parameters.
For exception handling, a try catch can be added to the class method invocation. These should be to add more information when the error happens. If you don't want to stop the pipeline on error, then do not throw with ThrowTerminatingError.
Results are reported through objects. Powershell is emphatic on the way results are displayed and there's a lot of flexibility in what you want to include in your result objects. WriteObject is what is used to emit the results. These results can be returned to the pipeline. As with parameters, there should be consistency in the usage of both results and parameters.
There should be support for diagnostics when things go wrong so that the problem can be identified quickly and resolved. There is builtin support to send messages to the host application which could be powershell.exe and that displays the messages to the pipeline.
CmdLets can also be grouped so that the parameters or results need not be repeated. This is very convenient when there are fine grained CmdLets required but they essentially belong to the same group.  A snap in can also be created with PSSnapIn so that the CmdLets are registered for usage. These are available from the System.Management.Automation namespace. Installing a snap in is done via InstallUtil.exe  which creates some registry entries. Make sure that System.Management.Automation.dll is available from the SDK or the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).

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