Saturday, June 22, 2013

Applications and Trend in data mining:
Data mining tools have been domain specific such as in finance, telecommunications and retail industry.  These tools integrate the domain specific knowledge with data analysis techniques to answer usually very specific queries.
Tools are evaluated on data types, system issues, data sources, data mining functions, coupling with a database or data warehouse, scalability, visualization and user interface.
Visual data mining is done with a designer style user interface that renders data, results and process in a graphical and usually interactive presentation. Audio data mining uses audio signals to indicate patterns or features.
Data analysis that use statistical methods involve regression, generalized linear models, analysis of variance, mixed-effect models, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, time-series analysis, survival analysis, and quality control.
Data mining or statistical techniques can also be applied to recommendations and opinions of customers to search for similarities and rank products. Such systems are called collaborative recommender systems.
Data mining may be ubiquitous where it is applied in the way we shop, work, search for information, use our leisure time, maintain our health, and well-being. It may not always be visible and it may participate behind the scenes in managing our e-mails, or in web search engines. Such usages sometimes bring up questions around privacy and data security which have been attempted to be addressed with fair information practices act that govern the usage of such data. On the other hand, data mining can help with counterterrorism. Solutions that balance these trade-offs try to not interpret the data while obtaining mining results to preserve privacy and attempt to encrypt data to preserve their security. Recent trends include standardization of data mining languages, visualization methods, and new methods for handling complex data types,

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