Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We mentioned that the book on programming collective intelligence mentions  making recommendations, discovering groups, searching and ranking, optimization, document filtering, modeling with decision trees, building price models and advanced classification and finding independent features. In today's post, I will briefly outline these.
Evolving intelligence for example is genetic programming which is a machine learning technique inspired by the theory of biological evolution. This starts with a large set of programs that are somewhat good solutions and then they are made to compete for a user defined task. The programs are ranked from best to worst, and some parts of the program are altered slightly aka mutated for making it better or some parts are replaced by those from other programs aka crossover or breeding. The new population is called a generation and is measured with a fitness function for the quality of the programs and the procedure is iterative.
 The worst programs are eliminated at each round. The iterations are terminated when the perfect solutions has been reached, a good enough solution has been found, the solution has not improved for several generations or the number of generations has reached a specified limit.
These programs are represented as Tree. Most programming languages are compiled into Parse Tree. These programs are similar to that. LISP  programs are a way to express the Parse Tree directly. As an example of this program, we can have:
def func(x,y):
   if (x > 3):
         return y + 5
         return y + 3
In .Net, the equivalent for this would be an expression tree using System.Linq.Expressions
Expression<Func<int, bool>> lambda = x => x > 3;
 or as is clearer with :
 Expression e2 = Expression.GreaterThan(left, right);
 left = Expression.Constant(x, typeof(int));
 right = Expression.Constant(3, typeof(int));

I'm going to try out a coding exercise:
Given a mapping of characters as A = 1, Z = 26 and given a number, how many different ways can we decode it ? For eg: 12 can be AB or L.

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