Thursday, November 27, 2014

In this post I cover a simple web application written in Ruby on Rails which provides an MVC framework. The rails framework lays out the views, models, and controllers by the name we define.
In the example below, I use  it for webAPI based application and I don't use a database. I generate the controller with 'rails generate shares index' and this lays out the model view controller files in the appropriate folders to be looked by the naming convention.

The controller itself looks like the following:

require_relative 'webapi'
# defines a resource for a file share

class SharesController < ApplicationController

def  new
render json: Share.create(params[:path])

def destroy
render json: Share.delete(params[:path], params[:id])

def edit
prmhash = { |hash, key| hash[key] = }
prmhash["location"] << params[:location]
params[:path].to_s.split('/').each( |x| prmhash["path"] << x)
render  json: Share.modify(prmhash, params[:id])

def index
results = Share.list()
$exports = JSON.parse(results['exports'])
# the view renders this automatically


As we see from the above that the views are passed the model or an object to render. This is the case with the list all items view. Optionally plaintext, or json or xml can also be rendered onto html.
The Controller takes parameters passed in from the views with a form. The form can be elaborated on the views in terms of the controls  they use, their markup and the associated workflow. Links can also be added on the views to enable forward and backward navigation between the items.

Int GetDistinctMedian(int [] A)
if (A == null) return 0;
return A.DistinctMedian();

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