Friday, May 1, 2015

Today we continue reading the paper on DBPowder. We brought up the mention that Hibernate allows multiple complex correspondence with HBM files. Using Hibernate Annotations which is a supplemental tool, the developer can describe classes with annotations but they too don't improve the Hibernate.
ADO.Net entity model is another popular method which has a conceptual schema description language, a store schema description language and a mapping specification language - all represented in xml. As part of MSL, Melnik proposed a method with bidirectional views which describe a set of constraints between a group of tables and persistent classes. The compiler compiles the constraints to generate the query views and update views for complex correspondences.
Msquare-ORMsquare is another method bur it requires a relational schema and persistent classes in advancey
A relational view extends the original table but views and persistent classes  still need to be described to utilize ORM moreover when data manipulations are performed on the views, they may not be properly reflected on the original table. Also views have to be unfolded to original tables with complex queries causing poorer performance. For object oriented software design, uml is popular.
In this paper, while the authors adopted an EER model to clarify the issues, a design in the EER model can be easily converted into that by the UML Class diagram. This enables simple to complex correspondence comparison because simple uses EER and complex uses ObjectView, in addition to EER.

GetOddNumberRangePowerTenthRootPowerTwenty(Double [] A)


if (A == null) return 0;

Return A.OddNumberPowerTenthRootPowerTwenty();


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