Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today we conclude the review of the book Thirteeners by Daniel E Prosser. We discussed how to benefit from chaos by embracing the creativity and innovation that comes up against this feel of disequilibrium. With Chaos comes transformation.  The fastest way through transformation is to adopt the three concepts of the Breakthrough Solutions Framework
BSF Concept #1 : Perspective is everything and changing it eases Transformation
BSF Concept #2 : Since your circumstances won't change, change your relationships
BSF Concept #3 : All actions and results in business are determined by memes.
Setting the stage for your transformation requires you to pay attention to the following:
vision - overreach for a goal
awareness - disconnect your future from past
strategy - uncover the execution gaps
accountability - establish an accountability
and a culture of connectedness - contributions, acknowledgements communication and gratitude.
To help with the vision, we have to evaluate the past and break from it.  Further we have to declare and map the future with the design of principles and goals and finally what is ultimately possible in that future and identify the overall outcome we are committed to.
To help with the awareness, we have to stop the mistakes of the past. The memes are evidence of the mistakes in the past. Determining the future then is a lot simpler in avoiding these.
To help with the strategy, we need to mind the gap. The gaps are visible in what the military calls as reverse salient which are backward bulges on a forward advance due to enemy strongholds. These identify the weaknesses we need to overcome.
To help with authentic accountability, we understand and negotiate new processes. For example, we can make a promise to take action. A promise is an asset. The task of making and keeping promises improves accountability.
Five steps to effective promise management: we make promises, publish promises, journal promises, act on promises and measure against promises.
The connected leader act intentionally and cause things to happen to stay on purpose. She transforms the organization into a connected culture. A consciously connected leader supports team and finds ways to remove barriers to form a consciously connected company. They have a clear understanding of what the mission critical actions are and will execute the organizations' agreed upon strategy.

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