Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Faking it Right by Ross McCammon 
Ross says the professional world’s a stage and we are all actors. According to him, the question is how much do the roles in which you cast yourself differ from who you actually are ?  If they are too different, it might cause problems. However, if they are not that much, they may help in letting your negative feelings pass. 
Ross does not mix words when he says that we lie.  There are plenty of examples when we lie. However there’s honor in those lies because you are trying. 
So let’s take a few examples of how to act: 
Fake confidence at a meeting:  do it at the very beginning when impressions are made and not later.  First smile. Second lock in to the “gaze”.  Third sit up straight. And fourth raise your eyebrows every now and then. 
Seem happy when the promotion goes to someone else: Dig deep because you have to go through a lot of resentment and envy to get through to the good stuff. Its more than just pretending says Sean Kavanagh CEO of the Ariel Group. You have to authentically take on that role. Take a few deep breaths into the diaphragm and not into the shoulders. Focus on the intention and the need of the audience. Empathize with the audience and remember the purpose of your soliloquy 
How to ‘can’ when you ‘can’t even’ : There are times when you can’t and there are times when you can’t even. If you can’t even and you have to seem like you can, here’s what to do : 
Focus on any object at eye level and raise the corners of your mouth. If your jaw had dropped try to hold it up so that your lips close. This might even seem like you can. 
How to smile when you do not feel like smiling: Note that unhappy smiling is worse than not smiling at all. Researchers studied a group of bus drivers found that those who engaged in surface acting ended up in a worse mood and those who faked happiness by smiling and thinking positive thoughts (deep acting) found themselves in better mood. 
If you want to seem happy, get happy, real happy. 
Lastly, the author provides a few key technical matters: 
Think of your reactions as “notches”. Determine which notch your feelings are. Call your feelings “it”. 
Take “it” down at least one notch. Five is too many. Pay attention to body language. Make eye contact. Sit up straight. When in doubt: Act.  Stifle anger. Stifle irritation. Do not stifle a sneeze. And stifle feeling flabbergasted after a sneeze. Gasted is fine. Flabber is way too much. 
#coding exercise
For a given starting number k and the number of iterations n, print the sequence. For example,
Void PrintSequence (int k, int n)
var lastseq = new List <int>(){ k};
For ( int I = 0; I < n; I ++){
Var next = new List <int>();
Int last = int_min;
Int count =0;
For (int j = 0; j < lastseq. Length; j++){
If lastseq  [j] != last {
If last != int_min {
Next.add (count);
Next.add (lastseq [j-1]);

Count= 0;
 count ++;
Last = lastseq  [j];

Next.add (count);
Next.add (lastseq [lastseq.length-1]);

Lastseq = next;

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