double GetStandardDeviation(List<int> numbers)
double count = numbers.Count();
if (count <= 0) return 0;
double sum = numbers.Sum();
double mean = sum / count;
double variance = 0;
foreach (var number in numbers)
variance += (number-mean)*(number-mean);
double stddev = Math.sqrt(variance/count);
return stddev;
double GetStandardDeviation(List<int> numbers)
double count = numbers.Count();
if (count <= 0) return 0;
double sum = numbers.Sum();
double mean = sum / count;
double variance = 0;
foreach (var number in numbers)
variance += (number-mean)*(number-mean);
double stddev = Math.sqrt(variance/count);
return stddev;
Parallel and Concurrent programming of Independent Component
A famous example of Independent Component Analysis is given
by the “cocktail party problem”, where a recording of people talking
simultaneously in a room is studied to separate out the underlying speech
signals from the sample data. This is based on two assumptions – one that the
source signals are independent of each other and two the values of each source
signal have non-gaussian distributions.
When the data is represented by a random vector x = (x1, x2,
… xm) Transposed and the components as the random vectors (s1, s2, … sn)
Transposed. The task is to transform the observed data x, using a linear static
transformation W as s = Wx into maximally independent component s measured by some
objective function on (s1, s2 … sn) of independence.
The data as represented by x above is considered to be a sum
of the independent components sk weighted by the mixing weights ai,k for each
xi. This is written as x = A.s Therefore W = A-inverse.
In ICA, the main goal is to compute the unmixing matrix W.
The linear equation s= Wx can be solved by batch gradient descent to optimize
W’s likelihood. Recall Likelihood is another term for conditional probability
of the training vector from the Bayes definition mentioned earlier. The
components can then be determined as the expression as
the singular column matrix [ 1-2g(wi Transposed . xi ) ] .
xi Transposed
Here the wi.Transposed .x is the objective function which is defined as the mixing
weighted data.
The first term of unity is the starting data point and g is
the gradient. The components are updated by taking the difference between the starting
and the adjustment. This batch gradient descent is performed till the components
stabilize. At which point they can be
used as predictors.
The original algorithm calls for the processing of the full
training set before each update of the components.
In parallelization with sub groups of data, this is computed
by each mapper and then aggregated by the reducer. The expression above can be
calculated on each dataset separately but the reducer performs the updates to
the components by aggregating the sum.
In modified parallelization, we retain the same procedure
for every new data we encounter as the data becomes available. But for the already calculated old data where
we have the components determined so far as well as the summary which is the
expression above, we could use the summaries to calculate the components anew
because there is no concept of overlapping and non-overlapping of data since
all the data participates in the iterative update of the components – just that
we use the summary instead of recomputing the sum. This is a trivial
rearrangement of the subgroups of data into old and new as it becomes available
but applying the same parallelization as with partitioned subgroups of data. An
alternative could be to try and merge the components by weights against the summary because each component is linearly transformed to the next update.
Note that the components are batch updated so the merging will be across all components.
Note that the components are batch updated so the merging will be across all components.
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