Saturday, September 3, 2016

Connecting AWS connector with Okta 
Many organizations participate in multi factor authentication for their applications. At the same time, they expect the machines deployed in their private cloud to be joined to their corporate network. If this private cloud were to be hosted on the AWS as a VPC, it would require some form of AD Connector to talk to the on-premise Active Directory. The AD connector is a proxy and the Active directory is on – premise for the entire organization.  In this writeup targeted at a software developer audience, I explain how to configure AWS connector with Okta. 
We use AWS to connect AD using the Okta agent. The Okta AD or LDAP agent is downloaded and installed on any Windows Server with access to the Domain Controller. The Okta LDAP agent is downloaded to the Linux environment. 
We can eliminate login and password hassles by connecting the AWS with existing corporate credentials. 
Further more, for new credentials, this lets us automatically provision, update or deprovision AWS accounts when we update AD or LDAP.  

Given a bst and a lower boundary values. Prune the tree if the node data lies over the boundary values

Node trimRangeLower( node root, int min)
If (root == null) return root;
root.left = trimRangeLower(root.left, min,);
root.right = trimRangeLower(root.right, min);
If ( < min)
Var right = root.right;
 delete root;
  Return right;
Return root;
Given a bst and a higher boundary values. Prune the tree if the node data lies under the boundary value
Node trimRangeHigher( node root, int max)

If (root == null) return root;
root.left = trimRangeHigher(root.left, max);
root.right = trimRangeHigher(root.right, max);
If ( > max )
Var left = root.left;
 delete root;
  Return left;
Return root;

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