Detect number of three-node cycles in graph
We use depth first search to traverse the graph and generate paths.
DFS ( V, E, paths)
Find the greatest number we can get by rearranging the digits of a number n involving k shifts only as shown below:
Take n=43592169 and k=5
1st swap: 43952169
2nd swap: 49352169
3rd swap: 94352169
4th swap: 94532169
5th swap: 95432169 :- final number.
int GetMaxWithKShifts(int n, int k)
var digits = n.todigits();
int rem = k;
for (int i = 0; i < digits.Length && rem > 0; i++)
Alternatively the maximum number may be obtained recursively by considering next higher element. The result for the above and below could vary based on which rule to follow:
void GetMaxWithKSwaps(int k, ref digits, ref candidate)
Or we could enumerate all arrangements
Detect number of three-node cycles in graph
We use depth first search to traverse the graph and generate paths.
DFS ( V, E, paths)
For each vertex v in V
V.d = nil
Time = 0
For each vertex v in V:
If v.color == white:
path = new Path();
DFS-Visit (V, E, v, path, paths)
DFS-Visit (V, E, v, path, paths)
DFS-VISIT (V,E, u, path, ref paths)
time = time + 1
u.d = time
u.color = gray
foreach vertex v adjacent to u
foreach vertex v adjacent to u
If v.color == white
If v.d <= u.d < u.f <= v.f :
u.color = black
u.color = black
time = time + 1
u.f = time
var d = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach path in paths:
foreach vertex v in path:
if v.next and v.next.next and v.next.next.next and v.next.next.next == v:
pathidentifier = stringify(v,3)
if d.contains(pathidentifier) == false:
d.Add(pathidentifier, 1);
Find the greatest number we can get by rearranging the digits of a number n involving k shifts only as shown below:
Take n=43592169 and k=5
1st swap: 43952169
2nd swap: 49352169
3rd swap: 94352169
4th swap: 94532169
5th swap: 95432169 :- final number.
int GetMaxWithKShifts(int n, int k)
var digits = n.todigits();
int rem = k;
for (int i = 0; i < digits.Length && rem > 0; i++)
int index = GetMaxDigitIndexNext(digits, i);
if (index == i || digits[i] == digits[index]) continue;
if (index-i <= rem){
Shift(digits, i, index);
rem -= index - i;
return digits.ToInt();
}Alternatively the maximum number may be obtained recursively by considering next higher element. The result for the above and below could vary based on which rule to follow:
void GetMaxWithKSwaps(int k, ref digits, ref candidate)
if (k == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < digits.length - 1; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < digits.length; j++)
if (digits[i] < digits[j])
Swap(digits, i, j);
if (digits.compare(candidate) > 0)
candidate = digits;
GetMaxWithKSwaps(int k, ref digits, ref candidate);
Swap(digits, i, j);
}Or we could enumerate all arrangements
Void Permute (int k, String digits, StringBuilder candidate, bool[] used)
If ( b.Length == a.Length) {
if (digits.compare(candidate) > 0 && CountSwaps(digits, candidate) == k)
For (int I = 0; I < digits.Length ; i++)
If (used[i]) continue;
used[i] = true;
candidate += digits[i];
Permute(digits, candidate, used);
candidate [candidate.Length – 1] = ‘/0’;
used[i] = false;
Also given an original sequence and a final sequence, it is possible to say how many swaps are required.
For example, we can say 43592169 and 95432169 has five swaps because
Also given an original sequence and a final sequence, it is possible to say how many swaps are required.
For example, we can say 43592169 and 95432169 has five swaps because
- There are four positions out of order and we can get two right with two swaps
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