Friday, February 24, 2017

We continue with a detailed study of Microsoft Azure stack as inferred from an introduction of Azure by Microsoft. We reviewed some more features of Azure storage.
The IaaS offerings from Azure storage services include disks and files where as the PaaS offerings from Azure storage services include objects, tables and queues. The storage offerings are built on a unified distributed storage system with guarantees for durability, encryption at Rest, strongly consistent replication, fault tolerance and auto load balancing.
 The redundancy features are handled by storage stamps and a location service. A storage stamp is a cluster of N racks of storage nodes, where each rack is built out as a separate fault domain with redundant networking and power.  Each storage stamp is located by a VIP  and served by layers of Front-Ends, partition layer and stream layer that provides intra stamp replication.The intra stamp provides synchronous replication in the stream layer and ensures that the data is made durable within the storage stamp. The interstamp replication provides asynchronous replication and is focused on replicating data across stamps. We were looking at Blocks, Extents and Streams.
The Stream Manager keeps track of the extents in each stream and the extent allocation across the Extent Nodes. The Extent Nodes maintain the storage for a set of extent replicas assigned to it by the SM. Each Extent Node maintains a view about the extent it owns and where the peer replicas are for the given extent. The streams can only be appended, existing data cannot be modified  Appends can only be at the block level. Multiple blocks may be appended at once. Block append operations are atomic.  The partition layer and the stream layer maintain that if a request fails, it is retried or the block is sealed. The partition layer deals with duplicate records in two ways. An extent has a target size specified by the partition layer. Once an extent is sealed, it cannot be appended until that time, it may acquire arbitrary size.
Both the layers are built upon a set of guarantees as follows from the stream layer. If the data is appended and acknowledged, the data cannot be modified so repeated reads see the same value. If the extent is sealed, it is again immutable and repeated reads from anywhere see the same value.

It is interesting that user requests are not labeled that can propagate to their streams. This seems to be because the granularity is one to one between a request and a stream. If groups were to be allowed, then the labels could be put to more use such as in :!Ashlm-Nw-wnWrw3incI2gCY3Jds3 #codingexercise
Given n appointments, find all conflicting appointments. 
This problem can be solved as the merge interval exercise earlier.
Instead we use the BST to solve this with the method as GetCount(Node root, int min, int max)
int getConflicts(List<Range> app)
Node root = null;
int conflicts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < app.Count; i++)
 root = Insert(app[i], ref root); // based on the min of the range
 conflicts += GetCount(root, app[i].min, app[i].max); // with a comparision on the range instead of int
return conflicts;
Find the successor in a BST
Node TreeSuccessor(Node x)
If (x == null) return null;
If (x.right) return TreeMinimum(x.right);
Node y = x.parent;
While(y != null && y.right == x){
    X = y;
    Y = y.p;
Return y;


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