Friday, February 2, 2018

We were looking at some of the search queries that are collected from the community of those using  logs from an identity provider:

Some other interesting events for identity include:

13) Search for users of a workflow = This determines the set of users who took the same actions corresponding to a workflow. Web applications are developed in features that usually translate as routes to the domain. A series of redirects between different routes is termed a workflow. The feature adds value to the customer by introducing a workflow. The success of the feature is found by the percentage of people who completed the workflow. Finding the customers who took this approach and listing them requires finding requests that include the given new route and then finding customers who have that route and then finding the workflow trail in these customers to see how many completed.

14) Determining external versus internal failures = This determines the set of failures in workflows that resulted from user error versus those that resulted from system error. Systems are designed to be fault tolerant, highly available and quality service but they are complex and include many dependencies among participating services. The purpose of this log search query is two fold : first to determine that the number of system failures is within tolerance  and second, to determine the classify the failures that the users encounter.

15) Real time website connections = This determines the number of connections that are made to the server. Some websites report this number on their website itself. For example, certain blog sites indicate the number of visitors. However, for a commercial system this goes beyond visitors and determines the number of active sessions on the webserver

16) Number of user agents = With the growing popularity of the number of mobile phone devices, applications and the popularity of voice recognition devices, a website may collect traffic from different user agents. The breakdown of this traffic per source is a useful search query especially for knowing if the website is working fine for one and not for others.


Determine third order Fibonacci series:
T(n) = Fib(Fib(Fib(n)))

generate maze

for (int i=1; i<ROWS; i++) {
  for(int j=1;j<COLS;j++) {
    String c = (Math.floor((Math.random()*2)%2)) ? "╱" : "╲";

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