Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Today we discuss the AWS database migration service- DMS. This service allows consolidation , distribution, and replication of databases. The source database remains fully operational during the migration, minimizing downtime to applications that rely on  the database. It support almost all the major brands of databases. It can also perform heterogeneous migration  such as from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server.
When the databases are different, the AWS schema conversion tool is used. The steps for conversion include : assessment, database schema conversion, application conversion, scripts conversion, integration with third party applications, data migration, functional testing of the entire system, performance tuning, integration and deployment, training and knowledge, documentation and version control, and post production support. The schema conversion tool assists with the first few steps until the data migration step. Database objects such as tables, views, indexes, code, user defined types, aggregates, stored procedures, functions, triggers, and packages  can be moved with the SQL from the schema conversion tool.  This tool also provides an assessment report and an executive summary. As long as the tool has the drivers for the source and destination databases, we can rely on the migration automation performed this way. Subsequently configuration and settings need to be specified on the target database.  These settings include performance, memory, assessment report etc. The number of tables, schemas, user/role/permissions determine the duration of the migration.
The DMS differs from the schema conversion tool in that it is generally used for data migration instead of schema migration.
Sierpinski triangle:
double GetCountRepeated(int n) 
double result = 1; 
For (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
result = 3 * result + 1 + 1; 
Return result; 
which can also be written recursively
another : https://ideone.com/F6QWcu 
and finally: Text Summarization app: http://shrink-text.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8668/add

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