Thursday, August 9, 2018

We were discussing application virtualization and the migration of workloads:
There are a few other caveats with application virtualization. The storage volumes usually move with the rotation of the servers as demonstrated by Mesos. This is very different from object storage where the storage is virtualized. When the storage volumes are moved around, the data usually resides in the form of a file such as a database file. The database connectivity is re-established because the connection string does not change as the nodes are rotated. Furthermore, the in and out rotation servers may use the same database file. In the object storage, the location of the object is arbitrary once the underlying storage is virtualized. This might explain why object storage provides a storage tier as opposed to an end to end virtualization.  There are tools that help with the workload migration. These tools provide what is termed as "smart availability" by enabling dynamic movements of workloads between physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure. This is an automation of all the tasks required to migrate a workload.  Even the connection string can be retained when moving the workload so long as the network name can be reassigned between servers. What this automation doesn't do is perform storage and OS level data replication because the source and destination is something the users may want to specify themselves and is beyond what is needed for migrating the workloads. Containers and shared volumes come close to providing this kind of ease but they do not automate all the tasks needed on the container to perform seamless migration regardless of the compute. Also, it makes no distinction between Linux containers and docker containers.  These tools are often used for high availability and for separating the read only data access to be performed from the cloud.
With the help of above explanation of workload migration, we have brought up how both application as well as storage tier benefit from virtualization and the automation of migration using tools. Object storage itself may be on a container facilitating easy migration across hosts. Since object storage virtualizes datacenters and storage arrays, it is itself at once a storage application as well as  a representation of unbounded storage space. Once the workloads have been migrated to object storage, both can then be moved around the cloud much more nimbly than they were if they used raw storage volumes. 
bool isDivisibleBy4(uint n)
uint m = n %100;
return (m % 4 == 0);

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