Thursday, September 27, 2018

The centerpiece for the solution to the problem statement yesterday
The Queue can be used independent of the Object Storage.

The use of a Queue facilitates distributed communications, request routing and batched writes. It can be offloaded to hardware. Queues may utilize Message Queuing software such as RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ and their solution stacks. They need not be real web servers and can route traffic to sockets on steroids. They may be augmented globally or in a partitioned server. 
Moreover, not all the requests need to reach the object storage. In some cases, web Queue may use temporary storage from hybrid choices. The benefits of using a web Queue including saving bandwidth, reducing server load, and improving request-response time. If a dedicated content store is required, typically the queuing and server are encapsulated into a content server. This is quite the opposite paradigm of using object storage and replicated objects to directly serve the content from the store. The distinction here is that there are two layers of functions - The first layer is the Queue layer that solves distribution using techniques such as queuing, message handling and message processor organization. The second layer is the compute and storage bundling in the form of a server or a store with shifting emphasis on code and storage.  We will call this the storage engine and will get to it shortly. 
The Queue would do the same as an asynchronous write without any change in the application logic and to multiple recipients.   

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