Saturday, October 13, 2018

We were discussing object cache in production systems. The production system, as opposed to other environments, needs to be closely monitored. This means that we have alerting infrastructure for exceeding thresholds on various metrics that will be relevant to the operation of the cache. In addition, whenever the system needs to be diagnosed for troubleshooting, some supportability features will be required from the system. These include running counters so that the logs need not be the only source of information. The level of alerts and monitors on a production system will far exceed those in any other environment because it represents the operations of a company or organization. In addition to these safeguards, a production system is also the longest standing environment and needs to be running smooth. Consequently, all activities on the production system must be well understood, rehearsed and orchestrated.
The list of features for production support include many more items other than logging. While logs are authoritative on all aspects of the operation of the services, they grow quickly and roll over into several files even when archived. Most organizations are not able to retain more than few months history of logs in their file-system. Even if the logs can be persisted in file system remote from the production systems, they will require a lot of storage. Moreover, the trouble with searching files directly with the file-system is that we are limited to command line tools. This is not necessarily the case with log indexes which can grow arbitrarily large and support impressive analytical capabilities by way of search and query operators.
The logs of the cache can directly into object storage in addition to other destinations via the log4j utility. The log4j is an asynchronous logging utility that supports writing and publishing of logs to multiple destinations at the same time. Much like the Enterprise Application Block for logging in the web application world, this utility allows any number of loggers to log to files. It is fast, flexible, reliable, extensible and supports filters and levels. It has three components- the loggers, the appenders and the layouts. The appenders emit the logs to files, console, socket, syslog, smtp, memory mapped files, NoSQL and ZeroMQ. Although object storage is not directly listed as destination and in fact object storage works very well as a time-series store, there doesn’t seem to be a direct s3 appender. However, since queues and webhooks are supported, it should be straightforward to setup object storage as a sink for the logs.

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