Monday, February 11, 2019

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering:

449) Object storage can serve as the storage for graph databases and object databases. Object storage then transforms from being a passive storage layer to one that actively builds metadata, maintains organizations and rebuilds indexes from object rather than from files.

450) File-systems have long been the destination to store artifacts on disk and while file-system has evolved to stretch over clusters and not just remote servers, it remains inadequate as a blob storage. Data writers have to self-organize and interpret their files while frequently relying on the metadata stored separate from the files

451) Files also tend to become binaries with proprietary interpretations. Files can only be bundled in an archive and there is no object-oriented design over data. If the storage were to support organizational units in terms of objects without requiring hierarchical declarations and supporting is-a or has-a relationships, it tends to become more usable than files. This modular storage  enhances the use of object storage and does not compete with the usages of elastic file stores.

452) Such object-storage will find a niche usage in spatial databases, telecommunications and scientific computing requiring large scale use of elementary organizational units that are not necessarily related.  For example, spatial databases make use of polygons as a unit of organization and store large amounts of polygons

453) Traditional relational databases have long cherished an acceptance for storing data that requires interpretations. However, the chores associated with converting data to structured form and amenable to querying can be relaxed with native support for rich non-hierarchical data organization from storage layer and transformation to a different class of unstructured storage.

int GetCoinsDP(List<int> coins, int i, int j)
If (i > j) return 0;
If (i==j) return coins[i];
If (j == i+1) return max (coins [i], coins [j]);
return max (
coins[I] + GetCoinsDP(sequence, 1, j),
coins[j] + GetCoinsDP (sequence, 0,j-1));
The selections in each initiation level of GetCoinsDP can be added to a list and alternate additions can be skipped as belonging to the other player since the method remains the same for both.

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