Friday, January 24, 2020

Organizing the APIs was only needed for gRPC. REST Apis are independently provisioned per resource. This flat enumeration of APIs helps with their microservice model and available for mashups at a higher level. SOAP requires tools to inspect the message. REST can be intercepted by web proxy and displayed with browser and add-on.
SOAP methods require declarative address, binding and contract. REST is URI based and has qualifiers for resources.
There is a technique called HATEOAS where a client can get more information from the web API servers with the help of hypermedia. This technique helps the client to get information outside the documentation by machines instead of humans. Since the storage products are considered commodity, this technique is suitable for plugging in one storage product versus another. The clients that use the web API programmability can then switch products with ease.
Some of the implementors for REST API follow a convention.  This convention makes it easy to construct the APIs for the resources and to bring consistency among those for different resources.
REST Apis also make authentication and authorization simpler to setup and check. There are several solutions to choose from with some involving offloaded functionality or the use of frameworks like Java which can support annotation-based checks for adequate privilege and access control. 
Supported actions are filtered. Whether a user can read or write is determined based on the capability for the corresponding read or write permission. The user is checked for the permission involved. This could be an RBAC access control such that it is just a check against the role for the user. The system user for instance has all the privileges. The capabilities a user has is determined from the license manager for instance or by the explicitly added capabilities. This is also necessary from audit purposes. If the auditing is not necessary, then the check against capabilities could always return true. On the other hand, if all the denies were to be audited, it would leave a trail in the audit log.
Pravega serves as a stream store. Its control path is available at 9090 port in standalone mode with REST API. The data path is over Flink connector to segment store port 6000. The functionality for the POST method should not involve abstraction and higher-level modules. Instead it should be as close to the methods of the component as possible.
public CompleteableFuture<Void> createEvent(String scopeName, String streamName, String message) {
final ClientFactoryimpl clientFactory = new ClientFactoryImpl(scopeName, this);
final Serializer<String> serializer = new JavaSerializer<>();
final Random random = new Random();
final Supplier<String> keyGenerator = () -> String.valueOf(random.nextInt());
EventStreamWriter<String> writer = clientFactory.createEventWriter(streamName, serializer, EventWriterConfig.builder().build());
return writer.writeEvent(keyGenerator.get().message);

Thus, a mix of conventional design and new APIs improves the audience for streaming data platform.

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