Monday, August 24, 2020

Enhancements to introspection events.


The introspection stream in a stream store system gathers runtime information in the form of events from all the system components that produce it. The system itself becomes a reader and writer of events. All the events are raw data from the components that may or may not have any aggregation performed over time. These events from the introspection store is helpful for the system diagnostics when call home events are raised. The convenience of logs and metrics to be searched via grep or influxdb sql can also be emulated with stream store events. A stock Flink Application that reads all the events in the introspection store can be included in the utility belt of the troubleshooter. All introspection events may be wrapped in a standard manner so that they appear the same across all publishers within the stream store. The Flink Application may also be savvy to include not just one query but any number of ready-made queries that would provide useful query results to the troubleshooter. The type and format of contents in an introspection store is already known before-hand. This would make the queries also predictable and the library of queries for introspection store can also be kept up to date as and when new publishers are added.

There are still a few enhancements that can be made. 

First, the events themselves can have augmented fields that work with the data from the system. These fields can be automatically injected at the time of write such that they are controlled by policies such as time of day or day of week independent of the system. Just like ‘IPSEC’ rules can be authored based on a number of factors. This automatic injection of fields in placeholders can be done independent of the data published from the system components. An administrator then has the ability to color code certain events based on his policies which can useful for inclusion in the query later.

Second, the queries can be improved if there are field extractors that can process the events of the stream to come up with a set of key-value attributes that can be found in some or all of the events in the introspection store. Consider the injection of arbitrary key values as enhancements to the introspection events by a third party aside from the publishers of the introspection events. These arbitrary key-values can be parsed for field extractions that would provide additional leverage in introspection queries. 

Both injection of fields in introspection events and the extraction of fields for introspection queries are additional enhancements that do not disturb the operations of the system and allow for customizations from administrators and policy-based monitoring software.

Further reading:!Ashlm-Nw-wnWvBx94AZEWepNG5P5?e=IWNHMb 

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