Saturday, September 5, 2020

Distributed Stream Stores.

 This is in continuation with the previous post.


Federation is not a new concept and its application has varied from federated security via service bus to federated identity via Identity and Access Management solutions. The software industry has yet to formalize a standard for the federated model and therefore it is also yet to be adopted for true federated scenarios in the commercial applications. The benefits are already available to see from the existing deployments. 

Benefits of federation: 

  1. The federation improves the posture of each and every participating store in terms of a more streamlined access where the traffic comes from a known point. 

  1. The federation provides opportunity to bring consistency in the control plane while the data traffic remains unhindered 

  1. The federation increases automation capabilities because each and every store will behave the same way for workflows that are well scripted 

  1. The federation provides an opportunity to add intelligence to traffic routing with side-effects of load-balancing, improvements in service level agreements and annotations across the board. 

  1. The federation is the only way to meet compliance, governance and regulatory standards as set for the industry and adopted by each organization.  

  1. In all the advantages mentioned earlier to this, federation provides the opportunity to alleviate the corresponding concerns from each of the store. 

  1. Federation goes beyond centralization. It gives new meaning and nomenclature to the storage containers within the storage products. 

  1. Federation does not dictate vendor lockin for any one store. It allows those stores to be independent in their technology as long as they support the federation requirements. 

  1. Federation does not help with the patching or maintenance of individual stores. It provides new syntax and semantics of both the data and the communication to the stream stores such that they can be differnet from the existing usages of the stream store. 

  1. Federation provides an opportunity for the clients to integrate other forms of federation such as federated identity and federated security so that the stores can continue to operate without the onus of managing it by default. 

  1. Federations is an opt in feature. It gives an opportunity to correct the shortcomings of the existing. 


Benefits of chaining: 

Chaining also provides benefits that are cited above even if it does not showcase a centralized entity providing new features to the clients. It is flexible to promote any architecture overlayed on chaining individual stores and it allows fast relaying of handoffs with fallback options. There are ways in which chaining helps each store remain independent in its operations without imposing any restrictions or lock down that federated membership might require. 

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