Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Network Engineering Continued ...

 This is a continuation of the earlier posts starting with this one: http://ravinote.blogspot.com/2020/09/best-practice-from-networking.html 

Contract:  Service-oriented architecture framework of providing web services defined contract and behavior in addition to address and binding for services but the general shift in the industry has been towards RESTful services from that architecture. This paradigm introduces well-known verbs for operations permitted. Networking products that provide RESTful services must conform to the well-defined mapping of verbs to create-update-delete operations on their resources. 

Workload profiles: Every network engineering product will have data I/O and one of the ways to try out the product is to use a set of workload profiles with varying patterns of data access.  These traffic generators can be T-shirt sized into small, medium and large.

Intra/Inter: Since data I/O crosses multiple layers, a lower layer may perform operations that are similarly applicable to artifacts in another layer at a higher scope. For example, replication may be between copies of objects within a single PUT operation and may also be equally applicable to objects spanning sites designated for content replication.  This not only emphasizes reusability but also provides a way to check the architecture for consistency. 

Local/Remote: While many components within the storage server take the disk operations to be local there are certain components that gather information across disks and components directly writing to it. In such case, even if the disk is local, it would prove consistent to access local via a loopback and simplify the logic to assuming every such operation as remote. 

Resource consumption: We referred to performance engineering for improving the data operations. However, the number of resources used per request was not called out because it may have been perfectly acceptable if the elapsed time was within bounds. However, resource conservation has a lot to do with reducing interactions which in turn leads to efficiency. 

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