Monday, August 15, 2022

This is a continuation of a series of articles on hosting solutions and services on Azure public cloud with the most recent discussion on Multitenancy here This article continues to discuss troubleshooting the Azure Arc instance but introduces common experiences across Azure Arc-enabled data services.

One of the commonly encountered scenarios, is resource browsing.  The Azure Data Studio provides an experience similar to the Azure portal for viewing information but it comes useful in cases where we don’t have a connection available to Azure. This requires both the Azure Data Studio and the Azure Arc extension to be installed. The connection is made to the controller and the namespace is entered for the data controller. The Azure Data Studio reads from the kube.config file in the default directory and lists the available Kubernetes cluster context.

The data controller lists the details on the resources such as name, region, connection mode, resource group, subscription, controller endpoint, and namespace. It has also links to  open the resource in Azure Portal.

The SQL managed instance dashboard allows us to manage those instances. The overview shows the resource group, data controller, subscription ID, status, region, and other information.  This location also links to the Grafana dashboard for viewing metrics or the Kibana dashboard for viewing logs.

Connection strings are also made available to developers and applications.

The PostgreSQL Hyperscale server group dashboard shows details about the server group such as resource group, data controller, subscription ID, status, region and more. The properties and resource health tabs display additional information and there is an option to diagnose and solve problems.

Billing data can be uploaded to and viewed from the Azure Portal.  This depends on the connectivity mode of the instance whether it is indirectly connected or directly connected. The indirect mode does not have an automatic export.  It is periodically exported and uploaded to Azure and processed. The process of exporting and uploading the data can be automated via scripts.

The guidance for uploading billing data mentions installation of tools such as Azure CLI and arcdata extension. The resource providers must be registered and the service principal must be created.

Assign roles to the service principal.

The billing data can be viewed from the Azure Portal. The Cost Management tab  shows the cost analysis by resource.  Filters are available to narrow down the analysis.

Once the billing data is downloaded, it can be exported with the Exports tab.

The Azure Portal is also available to browse the resources when there is a connection between them.Decommissioning a resource depends on whether it is directly connected or indirectly connected.


when two nodes of a BST are swapped, they can be found by:

void InOrderTraverse(Node root, ref prev, ref List<Node> pairs) 

if (root == null) return; 

InOrderTraverse(root.left, ref prev, ref pairs); 

If (prev && < pairs.add(root); 

InOrderTraverse(root.right, ref root, ref pairs); 

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