Saturday, October 21, 2023


This is a continuation of articles on Infrastructure-as-code aka IaC for short.  There’s no denying that IaC can help to create and manage infrastructure and that they can be versioned, reused, and shared – all of which helps to provision resources quickly and consistently and manage them consistently throughout their lifecycle. Unlike software product code that must be general purpose and provide a strong foundation for system architecture and aspiring to be a platform for many use cases, IaC often varies a lot and must be manifested in different combinations depending on environment, purpose and scale and encompass complete development process. It can even include CI/CD platform, DevOps, and testing tools. The DevOps based approach is critical to rapid software development cycles. This makes IaC spread over in a variety of forms. The more articulated the IaC the more predictable and cleaner the deployments.  

One of the greatest advantages of using IaC is its elaborate description of the customizations to a resource type for widespread use within an organization. Among the reasons for customization, company policy enforcement, security and consistency can be called out as the main ones. For example, an Azure ML workspace might require some features to be allowed and others to be disallowed before other members of the organization can start making use of it.

There are several ways to do this. Both ARM Templates and azure cli commands come with directives to turn off features. In fact, the ‘az feature’ command line options are available on a provider-by-provider basis to register or unregister specific features. This ability is helpful separate out the experimental from the production feature set and allows them to be made available independently. Plenty of documentation around the commands and the listing of all such features makes it easy to work on one or more of them directly.

Another option is to display all the configuration corresponding to a resource once it has been selectively turned on from the portal. Since each resource type comes with its own ARM templates as well as command set, it is easy to leverage the built-in ‘show’ command to list all properties of the resource type and then edit some of those properties for a different deployment by virtue of the ‘update’ command. Even if all the properties are not listed for a resource, it is possible to find them in the documentation or by querying many instances of the same resource type.

A third option is to list the operations available on the resource and then set up role-based access control limiting some of those. This approach is favored because users can be switched between roles without affecting the resource or its deployment. It also works for groups and users can be added or removed from both groups and roles. Listing the operations enumerates the associated permissions all of which begin with the provider as the prefix. This listing is thorough and covers all aspect of working with the resources. The custom-role is described in terms of permitted ‘actions’, ‘data-actions’ and ‘not-actions’ where the first two correspond to control and data plane associated actions and the last one corresponds to deny set that takes precedence over control and data plane actions. By appropriately selecting the necessary action privileges and listing them under a specific category without the categories overlapping, we create the custom role with just the minimum number of privileges needed to complete a set of selected tasks.

Last but not the least approach, is to supply an init script with the associated resource, so that as other users start using it, the init script will set the predecided configuration that they must work with. This allows for some degree of control on sub resources and associated containers necessary for an action to complete so that by virtue of removing those resources, an action even if permitted by a role on a resource type, may not be permitted on a specific resource.

IaC is not an immutable asset once it is properly authored. It must be maintained just as any other source code asset. Part of the improvements come from fixes to defects, design changes but in the case of IaC specifically, there are other changes coming from drift detection and cloud security posture management aka CSPM.

Reference: Earlier articles on IaC shortcomings and resolutions: IacResolutionsPart35.docx

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