Friday, February 16, 2024


One of the more recent additions to Azure resources has been Azure Machine Learning Studio. This is a managed machine learning environment that allows you to create, manage, and deploy ML models and applications. It is part of the Azure AI resource, which provides access to multiple Azure AI services with a single setup. Some of the features of Azure Machine Learning Studio resource are:

- It has a GUI-based integrated development environment for building machine learning workflows on Azure.

- It supports both no-code and code-first experiences for data science.

- It lets you use various tools and components for data preparation, feature engineering, model training, evaluation, and deployment.

- It enables you to collaborate with your team and share datasets, models, and projects.

- It allows you to configure and manage compute targets, security settings, and external connections.

When provisioning this resource for use by data scientists, it is important to consider the following best practices:

- The workspace itself must allow outbound connectivity to the public network. One of the ways to do this is to allow it to be accessible from all or selective public Ip addresses.

- The clusters must be provisioned with no node public Ip addresses. This is conforming to the well-known no public Ip addresses aka NPIP patterns. This is done by adding the compute to a subnet in a virtual network with service endpoints for Azure Storage, Key vault and container registry and default routing.

- Since the workspace and its dependent resources namely storage account, key vault, container registry and application insights are independently created, it is helpful to have the same user-assigned managed identity associated with them, which also makes it convenient to customize data plane access to other resources not part of this list such as a different storage account or key vault. The same goes for compute which can also be launched with this identity.

- Permissions granted to various roles on this resource can be customized to be further restricted since this is a shared workspace.

- Code that is executed by data scientists in this studio can be categorized as one of many such as regular interactive python notebook, Spark code, and non-interactive jobs.  Permissions necessary to run each of them must be independently tried out.

- There are various kernels and serverless spark compute available to execute the user-defined code in a notebook. The user-defined managed identity used to facilitate the data access for this code must have both control plane read access to perform actions such as getAccessControl and data plane operations such as blob data read and write. The logged-in user credentials are automatically used over this session created with the managed identity for the user to perform the data access.

- The non-interactive jobs require specific permission to submit  run within an experiment for any user.

Together, the built-in and customizations of this resource can immensely benefit the data scientists to train their models. Previous articles: IacResolutionsPart77.docx

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