Wednesday, May 29, 2024

 This is a continuation of articles on IaC shortcomings and resolutions. In this section too, we focus on the deployment of azure machine learning workspaces with virtual network peering and securing it with proper connectivity. When peerings are established between virtual networks and the AZ ML Workspace is secured with a subnet dedicated to the creation of compute, improper settings of private and service endpoints, firewall, NSGs and user-defined routing  traffic, may cause quite a few surprises in the normal functioning of the workspace. For example, data scientists may encounter an error as: “Performing interactive authentication. Please follow the instructions on the terminal. To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code XXYYZZAA to authenticate.”  Even if they complete the device login, the resulting message will tell them they cannot be authenticated at this time. Proper configuration of the workspace and the traffic is essential to overcome this error. 

One of the main deterrence in the completion of pass-through authentication is the resolution of DNS names and their IP addresses to route the reverse traffic. Since the public plane connectivity is terminated at the workspace, the traffic to and from the compute goes over the private plane. A Private DNS lookup is required for the IP address of the private endpoint to the workspace. When the private endpoint is created, the DNS zone registrations for predetermined domain prefixes and their corresponding private IP addresses as determined by the private endpoint must be registered. This is auto-registered when the endpoint is suitably created, otherwise they must be manually added.

With just the compute and the clusters having private IP connectivity to the subnet, the outbound IP connectivity can be established through the workspace in an unrestricted setting or with a firewall in a conditional egress setting. The subnet that the compute and clusters are provisioned from must have connectivity to the subnet that the storage account, key vault and azure container registry that are internal to the workspace. A subnet can even have its own Nat gateway so that all outbound access can get the same IP address prefix which is very helpful to secure using an IP rule for the prefix for incoming traffic at the destination. Storage account and key vault can gain access via their service endpoints to the compute and cluster’s private IP address while the container registry must have a private endpoint for the private plane connectivity to the compute. A dedicated image server build compute can be created for designated image building activities.

User-defined routing and local hosts file become pertinent when a firewall is used to secure outbound traffic. Local host file with the private ip address of the compute and a name like ‘’, is an option to connect to the virtual network with the workspace in it. is also important to set user-defined routing when a firewall is used, and the default rule must have ‘’ to designate all outbound internet traffic to reach the private ip address of the firewall as a next hop. This allows the firewall to inspect all outbound traffic and security policies can kick in to allow or deny traffic selectively.

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