Thursday, January 16, 2014

We continue our discussion on Teradata by examining the AMPs. Rows are stored in Data blocks which are stored in cylinders. AMPs store the data block header, the data block and the row reference array for each table. AMP may have many cylinders and each cylinder may have many data blocks. An AMPs master index is used to find the right cylinder. The master index is maintained in memory.
An AMP's master index may point to thousands of cylinder indexes. Each cylinder index is on that cylinder and is usually not in FSG cache.
When the AMPs data blocks are split, the cylinders grow. The blocks can be maximum size of 255 or 2047 sectors (1MB) and the maximum row size can be 64,255 bytes.
Seeing how the data is arranged in an AMPs disk, let us understand how the Teradata stores data in blocks and moves it inside FSG Cache.
Cylinders are arranged in tracks on the disk. The hottest cylinders are arranged on the external perimeter so that they can be read fast in one disk spin. The coolest cylinders are stored at the center where they may be rarely accessed.
When data is loaded into a table, it is automatically deemed hot since the table is most likely staging. There can be an option to specify the intial temperature with a session setting called Query_Band
Cylinders are also used for Perm, Spool, Temp data and Journals.
There is a free cylinder list where new data is inserted if the block cannot be accommodated in an existing cylinder.
Note that the full table scan now has these detailed steps from the organization we have presented:
The user runs a query.
The PE checks, the syntax and access rights and generates a plan
The plan is full table scan so its broadcasted to all the BYNETs
Each AMP already has their Master Index inside their memory
Each AMP brings in the table header into FSG Cache.
Each AMP then reads the Master index to find the cylinder that holds the data blocks
Each AMP reads the cylinder index  by bringing it into FSG Cache
The Table Header and the data blocks are both in FSG Cache
The AMP places the information inside spool and reports to PE
The PE then requests the spools and delivers the MasterIndex, cylinderindex, table header and data block to the user.


1 comment:

  1. Teradata is basically a database. The purpose of teradatabase is for creating a table, column, row, domain, primary key etc. you can get further more information in Teradata dba Online Training
