Monday, May 5, 2014

Today we discuss some more of the .Net APIs again from the Framework class library. Here the we first take a brief look at System.Timers The System.Timer namespace provides a component that allows us to raise an event on a specified interval. This is a server based timer that allows us to specify a recurring interval at which the Elapsed event is raised. Then this event can be used to provide regular processing. Where these server timers differ from windows timers is that these timers can move among threads to handle the Elapsed event. The arguments to the Elapsed event provide data for handling it.
When we look at the implementation of this, it uses the underlying System.Threading.Timer class and GetSystemTimeAsFileTime method for the time arithmetic. On each update of the enabled, it updates the existing underlying timer. If a zero value was provided, it disposes the existing timer and sets the enabled to value. By updating the timer, it changes the value of the interval.
Let us now look at the System.Threading.Timer.
The System.Threading.Timer takes as initialization parameters : callback, state, dueTime and period. For initialization it makes use of an object called the TimerHolder. On each update of the timer it changes the dueTime and period. The TimerHolder in turn takes a TimerQueueTimer with the same initialization parameters for its initialization. The TimerQueue maintains a list of active timers in the AppDomain. It uses a single native timer supplied by the VM to actively manage all the timers.
The data structure used to maintain all the active timers is a doubly linked list because it requires fast insert and delete while traversal can be linear.  The FireNextTimers method on this queue traverses each timer to see whether the elapsed is greater than the dueTime and deletes it if it's not periodic. If its the first time, it will be fired on this thread otherwise it will be fired on the thread pool. If the timer hasn't fired yet, it just updates the next time the native timer fires. By updating a timer, not only is its dueTime, period and startTicks updated but also its prev and next in the list.
Given the ease of programmability in C# with the Framework APIs, writing or even rewriting an entire application in C# would be interesting.
We will continue to review the rest of the Framework APIs but I want to take a brief break to solve a puzzle.
 How do we decode Kanjii characters ? Let's treat Kanji as Unicode. We know that Unicode gives a codepoint to each of the characters represented in the standard. UTF-16 encoding uses the two 8bit bytes for the regular ISO characters and upto two 16 bit units to handle each additional characters. Essentially a text represented in UTF-16 encoding could have variable number of bytes for each character. We therefore walk the text a character at a time by identifying the byte boundaries much the same way as we carefully walk t the headers of a packet.  In code this could translate as an iterator over the bytes that appends to a text a character deciphered by reading one or more bytes at a time. Each character could be represented as a codepoint in the usual notation of U+hex or U+four_digit_hex or U+five_digit_hex or more depending on the blocks and planes used as defined in the Unicode standard.
We will also briefly review another problem in which given an inorder and a preorder traversal of a tree, we will construct the tree and return the root.
So given an inorder traversal of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
and a preorder traversal of 4,2,1,3,6,5,7.
This has already been treated earlier but the idea is reinforced with the following principle.
Given a node in the preorder list we find the root and the size of the left subtree by simply counting the number of nodes that appear before it in the inorder. So take 4 and the number of nodes before it is three in inorder. Therefore the fourth node from 4 in the pre-order is the right child. To determine the left child, take the immediately adjacent node in the pre-order.
In the above example, if we take a tree with the nodes 3 and 5 missing,
we have the inorder as 1,2,4,6,7
and preorder as 4,2,1,6,7
Here the left child of 6 is null and the right child of 2 is null.
We determine the missing left child by noticing that the item before in the inroder is the parent or null
We determine the missing right child by noticing that the item after in the inorder is the parent or null.
Always review and test all code.
We now look at some more .NET APIs
System.Threading also has other primitives typically available from the operating system.
These include locking and thread c intro primitive
While we are on the topic of semaphores and threads, let us look at a producer consumer problem. A producer consumer can use a semaphore for buffering a count of jobs whereas they can use a mutex if there is only one job to mutually exclude.

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