Saturday, May 17, 2014

Today we will discuss how to use the DIA interfaces for reading the PDB when compared to our previous post here
MSDN says the following steps:

CComPtr<IDiaDataSource> pSource;
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DiaSource,
                       __uuidof( IDiaDataSource ),
                      (void **) &pSource);

if (FAILED(hr))
    Fatal("Could not CoCreate CLSID_DiaSource. Register msdia80.dll." );
wchar_t wszFilename[ _MAX_PATH ];
mbstowcs( wszFilename, szFilename, sizeof( wszFilename )/sizeof( wszFilename[0] ) );
if ( FAILED( pSource->loadDataFromPdb( wszFilename ) ) )
    if ( FAILED( pSource->loadDataForExe( wszFilename, NULL, NULL ) ) )
        Fatal( "loadDataFromPdb/Exe" );
CComPtr<IDiaSession> psession;
if ( FAILED( pSource->openSession( &psession ) ) ) 
    Fatal( "openSession" );
CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> pglobal;
if ( FAILED( psession->get_globalScope( &pglobal) ) )
    Fatal( "get_globalScope" );
CComPtr<IDiaEnumTables> pTables;
if ( FAILED( psession->getEnumTables( &pTables ) ) )
    Fatal( "getEnumTables" );
CComPtr< IDiaTable > pTable;
while ( SUCCEEDED( hr = pTables->Next( 1, &pTable, &celt ) ) && celt == 1 )
     // Do something with each IDiaTable.
And the following lines indicate how to translate addr to function lines:
void dumpFunctionLines( IDiaSymbol* pSymbol, IDiaSession* pSession )
    ULONGLONG length = 0;
    DWORD isect = 0;
    DWORD offset = 0;
    pSymbol->get_addressSection( &isect );
    pSymbol->get_addressOffset( &offset );
    pSymbol->get_length( &length );
    if ( isect != 0 && length > 0 ) {
        CComPtr< IDiaEnumLineNumbers > pLines;
        if ( SUCCEEDED( pSession->findLinesByAddr( isect, offset, static_cast<DWORD>( length ), &pLines ) ) ) {
            CComPtr< IDiaLineNumber > pLine;

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