Sunday, July 27, 2014

If we look at the custom search commands in a Splunk instance, we actually find a trove of utilities.  Some of these scripts include such things as streaming search results to a xml file. There are command to do each of the following:

 Produces a summary of each search result.
 Add fields that contain common information about the current search.
 Computes the sum of all numeric fields for each result.
 Computes an "unexpectedness" score for an event.
 Finds and summarizes irregular
 Appends subsearch results to current results.
 Appends the fields of the subsearch results to current results
 Find association rules between field values
 Identifies correlations between fields.
 Returns audit trail information that is stored in the local audit index.
 Sets up data for calculating the moving average.
 Analyzes numerical fields for their ability to predict another discrete field.
 Keeps a running total of a specified numeric field.
 Computes the difference in field value between nearby results.
 Puts continuous numerical values into discrete sets.
 Returns results in a tabular output for charting.
 Find how many times field1 and field2 values occurred together

 Builds a contingency table for two fields.
 Converts field values into numerical values.
 Crawls the filesystem for files of interest to Splunk
 Adds the RSS item into the specified RSS feed.
 Allows user to examine data models and run the search for a datamodel object.
 Removes the subsequent results that match specified criteria.
 Returns the difference between two search results.
 Automatically extracts field values similar to the example values.
 Calculates an expression and puts the resulting value into a field.
 Extracts values from search results
 Extracts field-value pairs from search results. 
 Keeps or removes fields from search results.
 Generates summary information for all or a subset of the fields.
 Replace null values with last non-null value
 Replaces null values with a specified value.
 Replaces "attr" with higher-level grouping
 Replaces PATHFIELD with higher-level grouping
 Run a templatized streaming subsearch for each field in a wildcarded field list
 Takes the results of a subsearch and formats them into a single result. 
 Transforms results into a format suitable for display by the Gauge chart types.  
 Generates time range results.
 Generate statistics which are clustered into geographical bins to be rendered on a world map.
 Returns the first n number of specified results.
 Returns the last n number of specified results.
 Returns information about the Splunk index.
 Adds or disables sources from being processed by Splunk.
 Loads search results from the specified CSV file.
 Loads search results from a specified static lookup table.
 SQL-like joining of results from the main results pipeline with the results from the subpipeline.
 Joins results with itself.
 Performs k-means clustering on selected fields.
 Returns a list of time ranges in which the search results were found.
 Prevents subsequent commands from being executed on remote peers.
 Loads events or results of a previously completed search job. 
 Explicitly invokes field value lookups.
 Looping operator
 Extracts field-values from table-formatted events.
 Do multiple searches at the same time
 Combines events in the search results that have a single differing field value into one result with a multi-value field of the differing field.
 Expands the values of a multi-value field into separate events for each value of the multi-value field. 
 Changes a specified field into a multi-value field during a search.
 Changes a specified multi-value field into a single-value field at search time. 
  Removes outlying numerical values.
 Executes a given search query and export events to a set of chunk files on local disk. 
 Outputs search results to the specified CSV file.
 Save search results to specified static lookup table.
 Outputs search results in a simple
 Outputs the raw text (_raw) of results into the _xml field.
 Finds events in a summary index that overlap in time or have missed events.
 Allows user to run pivot searches against a particular datamodel object.
 Predict future values of fields.
 See what events from a file will look like when indexed without actually indexing the file.
 Displays the least common values of a field.
 Removes results that do not match the specified regular expression.
 Calculates how well the event matches the query.
 Renames a specified field (wildcards can be used to specify multiple fields).
 Replaces values of specified fields with a specified new value.
 Specifies a Perl regular expression named groups to extract fields while you search.
 Buffers events from real-time search to emit them in ascending time order when possible
 The select command is deprecated. If you want to compute aggregate statistics
 Makes calls to external Perl or Python programs.
 Returns a random sampling of N search results.
 Returns the search results of a saved search. 
  Emails search results to specified email addresses.
 Sets the field values for all results to a common value.
 Extracts values from structured data (XML or JSON) and stores them in a field or fields.
 Turns rows into columns.
 Filters out repeated adjacent results
 Retrieves event metadata from indexes based on terms in the <logical-expression>
 Filters results using keywords
 Performs set operations on subsearches.
 Clusters similar events together.
 Produces a symbolic 'shape' attribute describing the shape of a numeric multivalued field
 Sorts search results by the specified fields.
 Puts search results into a summary index.
 Adds summary statistics to all search results in a streaming manner.
 Adds summary statistics to all search results.
 Provides statistics
 Concatenates string values.
 Summary indexing friendly versions of stats command.
 Summary indexing friendly versions of top command.
 Summary indexing friendly versions of rare command.
 Summary indexing friendly versions of chart command.
 Summary indexing friendly versions of timechart command.
 Annotates specified fields in your search results with tags. 
 Computes the moving averages of fields.
 Creates a time series chart with corresponding table of statistics.
 Displays the most common values of a field.
 Writes the result table into *.tsidx files using indexed fields format.
 Performs statistics on indexed fields in tsidx files
 Groups events into transactions.
 Returns typeahead on a specified prefix.
 Generates suggested eventtypes.  Deprecated: preferred command is 'findtypes'
 Calculates the eventtypes for the search results
 Runs an eval expression to filter the results. The result of the expression must be Boolean.
 Causes UI to highlight specified terms.
 Converts results into a format suitable for graphing. 
 Extracts XML key-value pairs.
 Un-escapes XML characters.
 Extracts the xpath value from FIELD and sets the OUTFIELD attribute.
 Extracts location information from IP addresses using 3rd-party databases.
 Processes the given file as if it were indexed.
 Sets RANGE field to the name of the ranges that match.
 Returns statistics about the raw field.
 Sets the 'reltime' field to a human readable value of the difference between 'now' and '_time'.
 Anonymizes the search results.
 Returns a list of source
 Performs a debug command.
 Performs a deletion from the index.
 Returns the number of events in an index.
 Generates suggested event types.
 convenient way to return values up from a subsearch
 Internal command used to execute scripted alerts 
 finds transaction events given search constraints
 Runs the search script
 Remove seasonal fluctuations in fields.

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