Sunday, January 29, 2017

Today we continue to review the book "From Smart to Wise" by Kaipa and Radjou. The authors say that "In our experience, wise leadership succeeds where smart leadership cannot." This book is about six capabilities which are essential for wise leadership and these are :
perpective, action orientation, role clarity, decision logic, fortitude and motivation. The leaders are classified as follows:
1) functional smart leaders and categorized as blue zone and
2) business smart leaders and categorized as red zone
The blue zone leaders are experts in their field. They execute effectively. They are risk-averse. They are detail oriented. They deliver exceptional results and they are efficient. Tim Cook is an example of this category
The red zone leaders are visionaries. They see the big picture. They are risk takers. They are very competitive. They are strategic entrepreneurs. They are highly motivated. Bill Gates is considered an example of this category.
Yesterday we read about what wise leaders do to apply the blue zone or the red zone technique as appropriate. Each of the capabilities was explained in this context and described. Today we read about how the blue zone and the red zone compare against each capability. The author states that the blue zone and red zone perspective is based on our knowledge and our experiences. With regard to finding the purpose, the blue zone focus on short term goals and execute it perfectly with like minded people's perspectives. They miss the subtle external changes and are not innovative outside their area of expertise.  The red zone perspective focus on long term goals, see the big picture,  are innovative and like blue zone also focus on like minded people's perspectives but they struggle to execute their grand vision. The authors quote Einstein as saying "one cannot solve a problem with the same mind-set that created it in the first place."
With regard to acting authentic and appropriate, the blue zone leaders focus on doing things the right way technically but not ethically. They follow a rule book or have a static style.  The red zone leaders are impulsive and follow their emotions. They need to feel successful and tend to believe that the ends justify the means.
With regard to role clarity, the blue zone leaders demonstrate leadership only in their domain of expertise and are willing to put emotions aside to fulfill their role. They get stuck in their role and can lose their identities. The Red zone leaders are very attached  to their role as a leader. They are emotional/passionate but they do not lose themselves within their role. To cultivate role clarity, each perspective could let go by cultivating a beginner's mind-set.
With regard to decision logic, blue zone leaders are cautious decision makers and better at short term decisions. They are open to feedback and tend to focus on validating comments. They rely on their instincts and take a long time to make decisions. The red zone leaders like high risk and thus high reward decisions. They make decisions quickly and are overconfident in their decision making capabilities. They don't pursue other viewpoints. The wise leaders operate in a grey zone. They exhibit "both clarity and pragmatism".
With regard to flexible fortitude, the functional smart leaders work very methodically, sometimes slowly and with limitations and boundaries. They are not very flexible and are stubborn but they end up completing high quality projects.  The smart zone leaders only care about projects  that lead to rewards and recognition. They can be moody but are not good at multitasking and tend to be resilient when faced with failures. Both type of smart leaders exhibit great fortitude but have their faults, only the wise show flexible fortitude.
int GetMinSumNegatives(List<int>negatives)
if (negatives == null || negatives.Count == 0) return 0;
int inclusive = negatives[0];
int exclusive = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < negatives.Count; i++)
var min = Math.min(inclusive, exclusive);
inclusive  = exclusive + A[i];
exclusive = min;
return Math.min(inclusive, exclusive);

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