Sunday, September 17, 2017

Today we continue reviewing U-SQL.It unifies the benefits of SQL with the expressive power of your own code. This is said to work very well with all kind of data stores – file, object and relational. U-SQL works on the Azure ecosystem which involves the Azure data lake storage as the foundation and the analytics layer over it. The benefit of the Azure storage is that it spans several kinds of data formats and stores.
The presentation for U-SQL explains three scenarios  which include - a Cognitive example , a text analysis example and a JSON processing.
The cognitive example identifies objects in images. This kind of example show how the entire image processing on image files can be considered custom logic and used with the query language. As long as we define the objects, the input and the logic to analyze the objects, it can be made part of the query to extract the desired output dataset.
The text analysis example is also similar where we can extract the text prior to performing the analysis. Its interesting to note that the classifier used to tag the text can be written in R language and is not dependent on the query.  The outputters also result in different output.
JSON processing  is another example cited by the presentation probably because it has become important to extract transform load in analytical processing whether it is a cloud data warehouse or big data operations. This "schema later" approach is popular because it decouples producers and consumers which saves co-ordination and time-consuming operations between say departments. While some applications with query languages such as SnowSQL import the Json into a columnar table and then execute a query or declare their own syntax to flatten the Json, the approach taken by U-SQL is more general purpose with its Extract, select and outputters that are either built-in or the customizations that the user can make.
Courtesy U-SQL slide shares
My updates on query improvements :!Ashlm-Nw-wnWsFqBcG-mBhjPLbC8
Recursive function for a palindrome:
 If string Is empty or one character return true
 If string.first() == string.last() return recursively by stripping first and last
 If string.first() != string.last() return false

Also an update on classifiers :!Ashlm-Nw-wnWsFzHx5Hrcl633js_ 

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