Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Today we continue reviewing the whitepaper - the chutes and ladders of customer identity from Gigya which is a leader in Customer Identity and Access Management Industry. The title uses an analogy of a well-known game. This is a whitepaper that introduces the delights and the pitfalls in customer experience with identity.
The chutes for customer identity are demonstrated by
1) annoying ads for past purchases
2) spamming of email inbox with unwanted newsletters
3) more setup and initiation activities prior to transaction
The ladders for customer identity are demonstrated by
1) personalization of ads done right
2) less frequent and more pertinent notifications
3) more integrated and seamless experience with less chores

Yesterday we read about the personalization experience from the beginning and the need for a lighter touch. Today we continue on the theme to make it easier for the customer. More visitors register themselves when they see a value and an easy way in. Most of them already know the benefits of setting up an account such as keeping track of history, making purchases with a single click and so on. The effort involved in setting it up varies if its online or via the download of an app. The process of login can be replaced with techniques that are not only hard to hack but also offer superior behaviors risk-based authentication which can be used to combat fraud. Multiple factors of authentication can be added included one time passcodes. Also customer data can be collected over time and the profile built up on a continuous basis.  This data can also be shared or synchronized with downstream marketing, sales and services based on compliance with privacy and industry standards.
Given a set of distinct strings, find the shortest superstring  that contains each string in a given set as substring. The distinct strings cannot be substrings of each other:
The method to solve this is as follows:
Make a copy of the array to begin with
Find a pair that has maximum overlap as a and b
Replace a and b with the concatenation ab
The size of the array reduces by one and we repeat 1 to 4 until we are left with only one super string.
Since we find the maximum overlap at each point, we make a greedy choice for the solution.

one more coding exercise
count palindrome substrings in a string.
The brute force way is to enumerate all substring and check for palindrome.
An alternative would be to find disjoint longest palindromes in the string. Care must be taken to count the inner palindromes of a palindrome. Finally we know that the lengths of the palindrome up to those found to a given center are also palindromic. Therefore we look for the next center based on the lengths we have found already. Palindrome  center occurs at Pascal triangle positions in a string so we check these as opposed to every letter to optimize.

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