Thursday, June 27, 2019

Programmability to automate container image scanning
The article on Container Image Scanning written earlier was an introduction. Different vendors provide the ability to scan the container images for security vulnerabilities that can be patched with software updates to improve the baseline. Most vendors try to tie the scanning to their repository or registry. For example, the binary repository in organizations that stores builds provides its own x-ray option. The cloud registry of container images from a popular container framework vendor provides its own scanning solution that works only with its hub of images.
Organizations have to choose between on-premise image storage or uploading to image registries and this drives the requirements to automate the scanning of images produced from every build. The automation usually proceeds with requests made to the application-programming-interface at the service hosted for the scanning of images at the repository or the registry.  The requests can only be made by accounts registered for use with the service.
There are third party products that try to break the vendor lock-in. They even offer to scan images that are built locally. Usually a linking key is required to do so which links the scanner from the product instance to the service that automates and monitors the process. Therefore, the scanner can be remote while the service consolidates the requests and responses.
A scanner cannot remain in the field without acquiring latest knowledge about security vulnerabilities.  New vulnerabilities keep cropping up and there needs to be a feedback to the scanner so that it can include the detection of these new vulnerabilities in its routine. This is facilitated with the help of programs named plugins that can be fed to the scanner to do its job
In order for the scanner to scan an image, the image must first be imported from the repository or registry. This is done with the help of a connector which imports images from a specific repository or registry. Connectors vary by the type of the target from which they import the image.
A scanner by itself and a connector can serve any on-premise need to scan an image. However, they are quite useless without a set of plugins where each plugin detects one or more vulnerabilities and takes steps to eradicate them.  This definition is available usually from the third-party service that makes the scanner and collector available. A subscription is required to import the plugins from the well-known public Common-Vulnerabilities-and-Exposure (CVE) database of cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
For example:
docker run
  -e SERVICE_ACCESS_KEY=<variable>
  -e SERVICE_SECRET_KEY=<variable>
  -e SERVICE_REPO_NAME=<variable>
  -i inspect-image <Image name>

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