Tuesday, June 18, 2019

We continue with the discussion of Keycloak deployment on Kubernetes:
This deployment consists of an identity provider together with the broker. In future, there may be more than one identity provider. A user goes to the identity provider to login. This is just how OAuth operates where all requests for user tokens are initiated by redirecting the user to the login screen of the identity provider. Since a user interface is involved the interaction between the user and the IDP is now subject to all the threats that a web interface faces. Threats such as cross site scripting, man-in-the-middle attacks, SQL injection attacks, cross-origin resource sharing and others are all vulnerabilities exploited from the client side. Enabling browser traffic to be over https mitigates only some of these concerns as transport is only a layer below the application logic.
We now turn towards the Keycloak Json file that describes the various configurations for the Keycloak. The Java adapter for Keycloak is described with attributes such as “auth-server-url", “ssl-required”, “cors-allowed-methods", “cors-exposed-headers", “bearer-only”, “expose-token”, “verify-token-audience", “disable-trust-manager", “trust-store”, “client-keystore”, “token-minimum-time-to-live" and “redirect-rewrite-rules". These options help harden security.
Using any generic Open ID Connect Resource provider is an alternative to using the Java adapter for Keycloak. However, the advantage of using Java adapter as opposed to the generic OIDC library, is that it facilitates tighter security with minimal code by use of configuration options. The adapter binds the platform with the framework so that the application and the clients can be secured. The configuration options provide all the parameters to tighten the security
Use cases:
There are only two use cases for the OIDC resource provider – first it allows applications to request token for a user. In this case an identity token containing the username and profile information is returned.  An access token containing the role mappings and authorization information is also returned. 
The second case is when a remote service requests token on behalf of the user. It is treated as a client and issued an access_token. 

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