Sunday, August 29, 2021





This script can be called from a runbook and uses Azure REST methods for resource related helper cmdlets. 

This module shows how to query if a resource can be provisioned with zone redundacy using the Provider API and client secret based authentication. 


#please refer the module members exported from this library for details. 





function Get-Payload() { 

param ( 



    [string]$Resource = "" 



    $Payload = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$ClientId&client_secret=$Encoded&resource=$Resource" 

    return $Payload 



function Get-Token(){ 

param ( 




    [string]$Resource = "", 

     [string]$RequestAccessTokenUri = "$TenantId/oauth2/token" 


    $Payload = Get-Payload $ClientId $ClientSecret 

    $Token = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $RequestAccessTokenUri -body $Payload -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 

    return $Token 





This returns true if the provider type and location supports availability zones. 


.PARAMETER subscriptionId 

The subscription to the Azure with which the resource group must be found. 


.PARAMETER location 

The location where the provider type must be looked up. 



function Get-AzReadyByProviderAndLocation() { 


    param ( 

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The subscription with which to lookup if availability zones exist.")][string]$SubscriptionId, 

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="For example: West US 2")][string]$Location, 

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="For example: Microsoft.Cache")][string]$Provider, 

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="For example: Redis")][string]$ProviderType, 

        [string]$ResourceAccountWithType = "$($Provider)/$($ProviderType)", 

        [string]$TenantId = "", 

        [string]$ResourceType = "redisCache", 

        [string]$ResourceName = "", 

        [string]$ResourceGroupName = "", 

        [string]$resourceId = "/subscriptions/$($SubscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$($ResourceGroupName)/providers/$($ResourceAccountWithType)/$($ResourceName)", 

        [string]$ClientId = $null, 

        [string]$ClientSecret = $null, 

        [string]$Resource = "", 

        [string]$RequestAccessTokenUri = "$TenantId/oauth2/token", 

        [string]$EnvironmentName = "azurecloud", 



    $output = $False 

    if (($ClientId -eq "") -or ($ClientSecret -eq "") -or ($TenantId -eq "")) { 

        Connect-AzAccount -Environment $EnvironmentName  | Out-Null 

        Set-AzContext -subscriptionId ($SubscriptionId) | Out-Null 

        $Token = $(Get-AzAccessToken) 

        $TokenType = ($Token.Type) 

        $TokenStr = ($Token.Token) 

    } else { 

        $Token = Get-Token $TenantId $ClientId $ClientSecret $Resource $RequestAccessTokenUri 

        $TokenType = ($Token.token_type) 

        $TokenStr = ($Token.access_token) 


    $ApiUri = "$SubscriptionId/providers/$($Provider)?api-version=$ApiVersion" 

    $Headers = @{} 

    $Headers.Add("Authorization","$($TokenType) "+ " " + "$($TokenStr)") 

    $SupportedProviders = @() 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.Cache" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.Compute" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.Network" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.Storage" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.Kusto" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.ApiManagement" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.DBforMySQL" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL" 

    $SupportedProviders += "Microsoft.HDInsight" 


    if ($Provider -in $SupportedProviders) { 

        $azReadiness = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $ApiUri -Headers $Headers -ErrorVariable errMsg -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  

        if ($errMsg -ne $null) { 

            $errMsg | Select-String -Pattern "The supported versions are '([\d-]+)," | Foreach-Object { $first, $last, $followers, $handle = $_.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value; break} 

            if ($first -ne $null) { 

                $ApiVersion = $first 

                $ApiUri = "$SubscriptionId/providers/$Provider?api-version=$ApiVersion" 

                $azReadiness = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $ApiUri -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction Stop 



        if ($azReadiness -eq $null){ 

            return $Output 


        $azReadinessForResource = $azReadiness.resourceTypes | Where-Object -filterscript { (($_.resourceType -eq $providerType) -and ($_.locations -contains $Location) -and ($_.zoneMappings.location -eq $location)) } 

        if ($azReadinessForResource -ne $null){ 

            $zm = $azReadinessForResource.ZoneMappings | Where-Object -filterScript {($_.location -eq $Location)} 

            if ($zm -ne $null) {  

                $Output = ($zm.zones.length -gt 0) 



    } else { 

        Write-Host "Unsupported Provider." 


    return $Output 



Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-Token 

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-AzReadyByProviderAndLocation 



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