Saturday, September 11, 2021


Azure Service Operator and Kubernetes Kustomization

Introduction: In the previous article, we discussed Kubernetes Open Service Broker API. We followed it up on the discussion with an introduction to Azure OSBA which is also complying with the open standard and introduces Azure resources to Kubernetes control plane. Then we discussed the Azure Service Operator that provisions those resources via the Kubernetes control plane. Finally, we discuss Kustomization.

Description: Kustomize is a standalone tool for the Kubernetes platform that supports the management of objects using a kustomization file.
“kubectl kustomize <kustomization_directory>” command allows us to view the resources that can be kustomized. The apply verb instead of the kustomize verb can be used to apply it again.
It can help with generating resources, setting cross-cutting fields such as labels and annotations or metadata and composing or customizing groups of resources.
The resources can be generated and infused with specific configuration and secret using a configMap generator and a secret generator respectively. For example,  it can take an existing file and generated a configMap that can be applied to new resources.
Kustomization allows us to override the registry for all images used in the containers for an application.

There are two advantages to using it. First, it allows us to configure the individual components of the application without requiring changes in them. Second, it allows us to combine components from different sources and overlay them or even override certain configurations. The kustomize tool provides this feature. Kustomize can add configmaps and secrets to the deployments using their specific generators respectively.
Kustomize is static declaration. We can add labels across components. We can choose the groups of Kubernetes resources dynamically using selectors but they have to be declared as yaml. This kustomization yaml is usually stored as manifests and applied on existing components so they refer to other yamls. The manifests is a way of specifying the location of the kustomization files and passing it as a commandline parameter to kubectl commands with -k option
For example, we can say:
  app: potpourri-app
- deployment.yaml
- service.yaml
We can even add new resources such as K8s secret
This comes useful to inject username passwords for say a database application at the time of install and uninstall with the help of a resource called secret.yaml. It just won't detect a virus to force an uninstall of the product. Those actions remain with the user.
Kustomize also helps us to do overlays and overrides. Overlay means we change parameters for one or more existing components. Override means we take an existing yaml and change portions of it such as changing the service to be of type LoadBalancer instead of NodePort or vice versa for developer builds. In this case, we provide just enough information to lookup the declaration we want to modify and specify the modification. For example:
  name: myservice
  type: NodePort
If the above service type modification were persisted side by side as prod and dev environment, it would be called an overlay.
Finally the persistence of kustomization files is not strictly required and we can run:
kustomize build manifests_folder | kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -k
One of the interesting applications of Kustomization is the use of internal docker registries.
we use the secretGenerator to create the secret for the registry which typically has the
docker-server, docker-username, docker-password and docker-email and the secret type to be type: docker-registry
This secret can take environment variables and the kustomization file can even be stored in source control.

Azure has native Kustomization for its manifest using the parameters, variables, and builtin functions.These vary from the kubernetes side but by exposing Azure resources to the Kubernetes control plane, we  can leverage all the functionality native to Kubernetes.



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