Friday, October 15, 2021

 This is a continuation of an article that describes operational considerations for hosting solutions on Azure public cloud.


1.       Azure Blueprints can be leveraged to allow an engineer or architect to sketch a project’s design parameters, define a repeatable set of resources that implements and adheres to an organization’s standards, patterns and requirements.  It is a declarative way to orchestrate the deployment of various resource templates and other artifacts such as role assignments, policy assignments, ARM templates, and Resource Groups. Blueprint Objects are stored in the CosmosDB and replicated to multiple Azure regions. Since it is designed to setup the environment, it is different from resource provisioning. This package fits nicely into a CI/CD pipeline and handles both what should be deployed and the assignment of what was deployed.

2.       Moving resources across regions is required by businesses to align to a region launch, align to services or resources specific to that region, or to align for proximity. Networking resources such as express route, vnet peering, gateway, edge routers etc and multi-tiered web applications, running in the cloud environment are particularly prone to migrations across regions. Steps to migrate involve planning downtime, ensuring subscription limits and quotas are met, assigning permissions, performing resource identification and such others as prerequisites. Then the components can be moved with the networking first, followed by the app, then followed by the PaaS services. Considerations include planning for complex infrastructure, moving resource types, moving all resources within an application together, ensuring capacity requirements are met, planning for business continuity, validating the migration, ensuring due diligence by testing and then moving to the target region.

3.       Resource groups are created to group resources that share the same lifecycle. They have no bearing on the cost management of resources other than to help with querying. They can be used with tags to narrow down the interest. There is metadata stored about the resources and it is stored in a particular region. Resources can be moved from one resource group to another or even to another subscription. Finally, resource groups can be locked to prevent actions such as delete or write by users who have access.


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