Azure private connectivity for Key vaults and storage account:
The private connectivity for Azure resources might be surprisingly hard to guarantee if the following instructions are not followed. These include:
1. Private Link and VNet Integration monitoring: The purpose of private connectivity is to prevent data exfiltration. Private links provide in-depth protection against the threat.
2. To privately connect to a service, create an endpoint.
3. To privately render a service, create a private link service or a private resource. The existing service must be behind a load balancer.
4. When we create a private endpoint, it must have the same region as the vnet from which the connections originate.
5. The same virtual network can be added to the resource along with the subnet from which the connections originate. Trusted Microsoft services are already allowed to bypass this firewall.
6. When a private endpoint is added, the following connections can no longer be made
a. Connections required from clients and workstations that are part of the organization or home office or via Hypernet. This can be mitigated by adding an entry via the DNS maintained by the organization.
b. Applications and services that were honored based on service tags. There is no inbuilt support for service tags in the firewall configuration.
c. 3rd party solutions that are using any custom script or tooling to access the resource.
7. 6 a. can be addressed by adding the DNS records to the organizational DNS. The name records can be looked up using the DIG web interface and these might look like the following. (Default): Copy results to clipboard 60 IN CNAME 44 IN CNAME 44 IN CNAME 10 IN A 10 IN A 10 IN A
Here the CNAME record is used from above to add a new CNAME record to the DNS of the organization with the Zone specified as that of the private link as in and FQDN as in this case. Alternatively, an A record with the corresponding IP Address can also be used.
8. For any connections that were excluded from switching to private connectivity, their originating IP addresses can be added to the firewall exception.
9. Disable public access is an option that can guarantee no public access to the resource, but the above steps will help that option is found too restrictive and unacceptable.
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