Wednesday, June 29, 2022

 This is a continuation of series of articles on hosting solutions and services on Azure public cloud with the most recent discussion on Multitenancy here This article discusses the architectural approaches for storage in multitenant solutions.  

Storage services involve a variety of storage resources such as commodity disks, local storage, remote network shares, blobs, tables, queues, database resources, and specialized resources like cold tier and archival. Multitenant solutions introduce sharing which brings a higher density of tenants to infrastructure and reduce the operational cost and management. Unlike compute, data can leak, egress or remain vulnerable in both transit and rest, therefore isolation model is even more important.

When these storage resources are shared, isolation model, impact to scaling performance, state management and security of the storage resources become complex. These key decisions for planning a multitenant storage solution are discussed below. 

Scaling of resources helps meet the changing demand from the growing number of tenants and the increase in the amount of traffic. We might need to increase the capacity of the resources to maintain an acceptable performance rate. For example, if a single storage account is provisioned for all the tenants and the traffic exceeds the specific number of storage operations per second, the Azure storage will reject the application’s requests and all the tenants will be impacted. When additional storage is provisioned or rate limit is adjusted, the multitenant solution can perform retries to overcome the transient failures from requests. When the number of active users reduces or there is a decrease in the traffic, the storage resources could be released to reduce costs. When the resources are dedicated to a tenant, they can be independently scaled to meet the tenants’ demands. This is the simplest solution but it requires a minimum number of resources per tenant. A shared scaling of resources in the platform implies all the tenants will be affected. They will also suffer when the scale is insufficient to handle their overall load. If a single tenant uses a disproportionate amount of the resources available in the system, it leads to a well-known problem called the noisy neighbor antipattern. When the resource usage increases above the total capacity from the peak load of the tenants involved, failures occur which are not specific to a tenant and impact the performance of those tenants. The total capacity can also be exceeded when the individual usages are small but the number of tenants increase dramatically. Performance problems often remain undetected until an application is under load.  A load testing preview can help analyze the behavior of the application under stress. Scaling horizontally or vertically helps correct the correlated application behavior. 

Data isolation depends on the data storage provider. When the CosmosDB is used for instance, separate containers are deployed for each tenant and databases and accounts can be shared between tenants. When Azure Storage is used, either the container or the account could be separated per tenant. When a shared storage management system such as a relational store is used, separate tables or even separate databases can be used for each tenant. Finally, storage resources can be provisioned within a single subscription or separated into one per tenant.

Varying levels and scope of sharing of storage resources demands simplicity from the architecture of the multitenant application to store and access data with little expertise. A particular concern for multitenant solution is the level of customization to be supported.

Patterns such as the use of the deployment stamp pattern, the storage resource consolidation pattern and the dedicated storage resources per tenant pattern help to optimize the operational cost and management with little or no impact to the usages. 

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