This is a continuation of a series of articles on hosting solutions and services on Azure public cloud with the most recent discussion on Multitenancy here This article continues to discuss Azure Arc enabled servers, their sizing guidance and operational considerations when increasing the numbers but introduces the overall planning required for Azure arc enabled data services deployment.
The tasks to be undertaken include the following: 1. Plan
the deployment with the details from this article, 2. Install client tools and
3. Access a Kubernetes cluster 4. Create an Azure Arc data controller in direct
connectivity mode, 5. Create a data service and connect with Azure data studio.
It’s important to know the necessary background and
information ready. For example, the database workloads, the business continuity,
capacity requirements for memory, CPU and storage for the workloads and infrastructure
to support these workloads must be studied.
Ensuring a successful deployment after this study requires
the right level of access and appropriate capacity for storage, CPU, and
memory. Extensions and client tools must
be installed Kubernetes cluster must be accessed to configure with the kubeconfig
file. When the infrastructure is prepared, the Azure Arc enabled data services
can then be deployed by
Creating an Azure arc-enabled data controller on
one of the validated distributions of a Kubernetes cluster and
Creating an Azure arc enabled SQL managed
instance and/or an Azure Arc enabled PostgreSQL Hyperscale server group.
Kubernetes services and distributions can be sourced widely
but there is an option to use the Azure Kubernetes Service which also comes
with a flavor for Azure Stack HCI.
When we are creating Azure arc enabled data services,
regardless of the service or the distribution, the following information will be
needed: data controller name, username, password, name of the Kubernetes
namespace and connectivity modes, azure subscription id, azure resource group
name, azure location, service principal information and infrastructure such as azure,
and container runtime.
One of the ways to secure this diversity is to operate with
least privilege. This grants users and service accounts specific permissions
required to perform the required tasks. Both Azure and Kubernetes provide a
role-based access control which can be used to grant specific permissions. This
article describes common scenarios in which the security of least privilege
must be applied. The Azure Arc data controller requires some permissions that
fall under high privilege such as creating Kubernetes namespace or cluster
role. The deployment of data controller can be separated into multiple steps
and each of these can be performed by user or service account. The separation
of duties ensures that each user or service account has just the right
permissions and nothing more.
int GetNodeWithKLeaves(Node root, int k, ref
List<Node> result)
if (root == null) return 0;
if (root.left == null && root.right ==
null) return 1;
int left = GetNodeWithKLeaves(root.left, k,
ref result);
int right = GetNodeWithKLeaves(root.right, k,
ref result);
if (left + right == k)
return left + right;
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