This is a continuation of the errors encountered and the
resolutions for the deployment of a function handler.
The credentials used for executing cli commands needs to
be set beforehand only once. This option works very well for almost everyone.
The only caveat is for the federated identity users who might not have a key
and secret issues. The recommended approach in this case is to request the root
user to take this specific action.
AWS has provisions to generate temporary programmatic
credentials via its secure token server that can be utilized to perform command
line actions. The use of this credentials requires account level privileges for
a one-time setup that many federated users might not have. Hence, the request
to the root user to enable the above-mentioned command to be executed.
The following are some of the ways to generate the
credentials for command-line usages:
a. aws configure sso
SSO session name
(Recommended): my-sso
SSO start URL
SSO region
[None]: us-east-1
SSO registration
scopes [None]: sso:account:access
CLI default
client Region [None]: us-west-2<ENTER>
CLI default
output format [None]: json<ENTER>
CLI profile name
[123456789011_ReadOnly]: my-dev-profile<ENTER>
b. aws configure sso-session
Signing in and
getting credentials:
aws sso login --profile my-dev-profile
aws sso login --sso-session my-dev-session
aws sts get-caller-identity --profile my-dev-profile
aws s3 ls --profile my-sso-profile
aws sso logout
2. One can configure the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS
CLI) to use an IAM role by defining a profile for the role in the ~/.aws/config
[profile marketingadmin]
role_arn =
source_profile = default
3. Clearing cached credentials:
del /s /q %UserProfile%\.aws\cli\cache
4. Using credentials process with:
credential_process = "C:\Path\To\credentials.cmd"
parameterWithoutSpaces "parameter with spaces"
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