Friday, August 30, 2013

In the previous post, we began with a mention for how the proxy and the API interact as of today and moved on to how we want it to be. Here we re-visit the current interactions. The proxy may work across API providers across providers. However, we will keep our discussions to the API implementation. In the API implementation, we have the following methods provided by OAuth provider :
1) Get the description of a client
2) Create an access token when the API calls the provider
3) Create an authorization code when the API calls the provider
4) Get the applications for a user
5) Revoke an access token
When the token or codes are created, a user context is passed in that is used to track the client authorizations and the responses. This is how the tokens and codes are associated with a client and user. Depending on whether provider is implemented by a Proxy or by the retail company, the methods mentioned above are required to establish the mapping between the user and the client and their tokens/codes. The methods also take in additional parameter to make the token effective such as grantType, scope, response type, inclusion of a refresh token in the response, a URI and a state. These parameters are relevant to cut out the tokens as requested.
However, let's take a closer look at the APIs to see what we could add or improve on these APIs. The first thing is the testability. Do we have all the information exposed so that the data can be tested. No, we could do with a list of tokens assoicated by user. If we have a list of tokens issued for a client and a list of tokens issued for a user, we should be able to see which tokens are issued for clients only and that the tokens associated with the clients only are for low privilege uses as opposed to those that are issued with a user context. This test helps us know the set of tokens that have more privilege than others. By separating out the tokens this way and knowing the full set of tokens issued, we should be able to ensure that all access is accounted for.
Next we could do with a list of clients authorized by user and a list of users that a client has been authorized for. This could help us determine whether the authorization updates both lists. This is relevant because a token for user resources should be issued only when both are present.
Lastly, the list of authorized clients for a user and the list of users for a client should be updated with corresponding revokes. When all the tokens for a user with a given client are revoked, it could be considered equivalent to revoking the client authorization so that the client can request the user to re-authorize via OAuth for the next session. That is upto the discretion of the client and could be facilitated for the user with a checkbox for keeping the client authorized the first time the user signs in with OAuth WebUI.

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