Friday, October 11, 2013

Another interesting application in distributed computing is garbage collection. When a program runs there are objects created on the heap. These objects are cleaned up by a managed runtime. This is called a garbage collector. All the objects on the heap derive from a base object. So the objects have a common root. During a collection, the entire set of objects on the heap then translates to an object graph which is finite and directed with a fixed set of vertices representing the objects but not the edges. The edges are added and deleted by a mutator process that modifies the graph objects that are connected can be called food and those that are not can be called garbage so we know which objects are to be collected. The mutator only adds edges if it has been marked as food.
The task is to define a marker process that runs concurrently with the mutator and is responsible for marking things as food. The marker need not be exact. It can be conservative and mark things that are not food. At the same time, we do not want the marker to be weak to mark at least all the food. i.e. we want to mark as few non-food vertices as possible.  we can skip a few objects in the current iteration because they may change and we will call this set manure.
The root vertex in a garbage collector when applied to managing runtime memory, keeps track of the segment header and the free store list. The edges are merely the references to memory. Each vertex keeps track of the users of its memory with a reference count. When the reference count is zero, it is garbage. We reclaim useless memory and add them to the free store list.
We use the marker algorithm to mark the things that are food  and this can keep running in the background.  When the mutator deletes an edge, the reference count decreases. In a way, the marker algorithm is like the termination detection problem in that it has to know that the marking process has terminated.  So we add a special node that every active process has a reference to. When a process goes idle, it deletes its reference to the special node.
As earlier, we have two sets of vertex, one that is food and the other that is garbage. The garbage may have some special vertices called the manure.
The marker program begins by adding a marked field to each vertex. It also adds a boolean to say that the marker has completed.  The safety of the program is that there is a final invariant that all vertices have the completed set to true. The progress is in marking each vertex boolean for completed as true.
The mutator and the marker do not interfere with each others running because they work on basis of superposition. That is they touch data that are not related to each other.
We begin with the root and simply mark vertices that can be reached from the already marked ones. This behaves just like the gossip program mentioned earlier. However, the mutator can still frustrate the marker. So we add a second logic to say that we add an edge to x,y when y is food and set both x and y to completed, we delete an edge between x and y when either of them is false
and if x is connected to root, then we set y to completed.

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